To: All California state candidates, The California State House, and The California State Senate
I care about the California DISCLOSE Act, and I vote.
What will you do to stop hidden special interests from buying elections? I’ll be paying close attention to your answers on the California Clean Money Action Fund survey and to how you vote in office.
Why is this important?
The unlimited hidden money unleashed by Citizens United is taking over our democracy. It’s one of the most important issues of our times, because every governmental decision is distorted by money from wealthy interests.
Candidates and elected officials need to know that voters are watching what they do about it. That’s why the California Clean Money Action Fund has a candidate questionnaire for candidates to answer whether they would support legislation for true disclosure on political ads and for public financing of election campaigns.
Please sign the petition to tell all California candidates for Assembly, Senate, and statewide office that you care about the California DISCLOSE Act and the questions on the California Clean Money Action Fund survey -- and that you’ll be looking for their answers when you vote.
We’ll send you their answers on the candidate questionnaire!
Candidates and elected officials need to know that voters are watching what they do about it. That’s why the California Clean Money Action Fund has a candidate questionnaire for candidates to answer whether they would support legislation for true disclosure on political ads and for public financing of election campaigns.
Please sign the petition to tell all California candidates for Assembly, Senate, and statewide office that you care about the California DISCLOSE Act and the questions on the California Clean Money Action Fund survey -- and that you’ll be looking for their answers when you vote.
We’ll send you their answers on the candidate questionnaire!