10 signatures reached
To: The United States Congress
Impose Term Limits on Representatives and Senators
I would like for a Constitutional Amendment to be drafted that would impose term limits on members of Congress. For Representatives, a limit of 4 terms. For Senators, a limit of 2 terms.
Why is this important?
Our society and our planet are moving much faster than our legacy representatives can keep up with. Being able to retain power for decades in either the Senate or the House of Representatives has led to a decline in bipartisanship, an outright stagnation of any policy advancement, and the least popular Congress in history. Our representatives need to remember that we send them to Washington to represent our interests, not their own. By imposing term limits on all members of Congress, we ensure that representatives will have to make the most of their time, to compromise, and to focus on achieving legislative goals that best suit the needs of Americans.