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To: Valarie Schoolcraft, Director of Office of Disability Services, James Madison University

Improve Accessibility in James Madison University's Johnston Hall

James Madison University's Johnston Hall, the three-story building that houses the Department of Graduate Psychology, is not accessible for people with mobility issues or impairments. The third floor is only accessible by stairs, restricting access to the kitchen, free food pantry, multiple faculty offices and classrooms, and student lounges. A wheelchair-accessible stairlift in just one of the stairways will allow students, faculty, and staff with mobility issues to have equal access to these resources in the department. Installing a stairlift in Johnston Hall is an important investment that should be simple and affortable, if budgeting is planned appropriately. We ask that the Office of Disability Services approve and complete this task.

Why is this important?

Since Johnston Hall was built in 1929, it has been able to avoid updating the interior of the building for ADA compliance. James Madison University values diversity, stating, "We strive to be an inclusive community that values the richness of all individuals and perspectives." Addressing accessibility issues on campus will put this value into action and make the campus more inclusive.

So often, we wait until disaster strikes before we make meaningful change. The university is filled with brilliant faculty and staff who can plan for and create this important change. Let's address this issue now to make campus safe and inclusive for people of all abilities.



2020-09-26 12:09:05 -0400

100 signatures reached

2020-09-18 09:02:50 -0400

50 signatures reached

2020-09-17 11:50:30 -0400

25 signatures reached

2020-09-16 17:47:27 -0400

10 signatures reached