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To: Denver Public School Board Members and Superintendent

Later Start Time for Middle and High School Students at DPS

Middle and High School students need better sleep! Denver Public Schools should implement an 8:30 or later start time for students in 6th through 12th grade starting in the fall of 2021.

Why is this important?

I am a parent of two Denver Public Schools middle and high school students. My children’s health, happiness and social and academic successes are important to me as they are for all parents. Transitioning into the teenage years, their bodies naturally adjust to staying up later and sleeping in (when given the opportunity) yet they still need 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night.  The current early morning start times in DPS are detrimental to their success as students and threaten their overall health.  

Quality and quantity of sleep matter at all ages, but sleep is especially critical for teens. Growth and development occur during sleep and adequate sleep leads to improved attention span, attitude and overall improved health and wellness. What’s more, lack of sleep or poor quality sleep can have detrimental effects on the immune system and are tied to higher levels of stress.
According to sleep specialist Wendy Troxel, a behavioral and social scientist with Rand Corp., “Research consistently finds inadequate sleep in teens is associated with increased risk of mental and physical health problems, including depression, suicide and obesity. It also creates problems with their concentration, memory, and ability to learn.”
I understand that transportation logistics propose a hurdle to making schedule changes. However, we know that several other large, metro-area districts, as well as large school districts across the country, have successfully transitioned to a later start time for teens.

During this unprecedented time, we have the opportunity to work solve these logistical problems and to create transportation schedules that support later start times for our middle and high schools when they return in-person learning.

This petition requests that DPS create a new schedule for middle and high school students by implementing later start times to begin in the 2021-2022 school year.

The science and social benefits are well documented, but here some articles that highlight important aspects of changing to a later start time:

Show your support to implement later start times by signing this petition!

How it will be delivered

The results of this petition will be emailed and mailed to each of the school board members, as well as interim Superintendent. In addition I intend to let the city council members know the results.



2021-02-01 17:14:35 -0500

Hello and thanks for your support of this issue! I presented to the school board last week and they will be discussing the proposed start times at the February 4th school board work session. If you have the opportunity and want to send the school board an email to show your individual support - please email them at [email protected] before Thursday!

Thanks and here's hoping they implement the changes!

2021-01-17 10:51:57 -0500

Again thank you for signing the petition. I will be presenting the petition and information to the school board during the school board meeting on Thursday 1/21. If any of you would like to also speak on this issue, you can sign up here

2020-12-29 11:52:06 -0500

Thank you to all of you who have signed the petition! I have been in contact with school board members and have been told that they will discuss this during a January meeting. I will let you know once I hear the date of the meeting and will plan on providing public comment and updates on our petition. Please continue to send this petition to your friends and family who are in support of this initiative and ask them to sign and share!

2020-12-28 17:36:42 -0500

100 signatures reached

2020-12-04 13:43:50 -0500

50 signatures reached

2020-12-03 18:51:51 -0500

25 signatures reached

2020-12-03 09:31:49 -0500

10 signatures reached