2020-02-01 13:48:45 -0500
To: Mitch McConnell and all of the Republican Party including Donald Trump
Mass protest / No confidence in the Senate
It's not what I want, it's what the country wants. The Democrats need our help from we the people to break through. Obviously Mitch McConnell and the Republicans had already made up their minds. We just can't sit back and let this be; they need to hear the people's voices right outside the Senate doorway; witnesses and documents. We need everyone on board; women's groups unions, men, women, teenagers, everybody on all walks of life can participate in this.
Why is this important?
Look how it looks? Everybody knows you can't have a trial without documents and witnesses. He's no different from us, the American people! Our country has become a fascist state and it shows. Had this been President Obama, he would have been prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and they would have removed him from office and everybody knows this. The Democrats did an outstanding job, but they need help from the American people they can't do this by themselves. Let's become community organizers. Unite the people to go to Washington D.C. and say out loud, we demand fairness, we demand witnesses and documents now!