To: National Media Executives

National Media: No Exclusive Access to Phone Interviews for Select Presidential Candidates

We are very concerned to learn that some media outlets have been been allowing Presidential candidate Donald Trump, and only Donald Trump, the option to call into television shows, rather than appear in person. Other candidates have been denied this option, which is unfair and undemocratic. We urge you to act immediately to apply a fair and consistent call-in interview policy for all Presidential candidates.

Why is this important?

Donald Trump has received nearly $2 billion in free earned media so far in this election – five times as much as Bernie Sanders or Ted Cruz and three times as much as Hillary Clinton.

This is happening in part because some of the media have allowed Trump – and only Trump – to call into television shows, rather than appear in person on camera, whenever he wants. This call-in option allows Trump to blanket the airwaves with his message day in and day out.

Other candidates have been denied this option, which is unfair and undemocratic.

Join us in calling on the major media networks to apply their call-in interview policies equally to all Presidential candidates!

