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To: Glastonbury Town Council

North Glastonbury Village District Designation (NoG VDD)

Photo by Richard Horne on Unsplash
We are asking our town council to extend the Village District Designation to North Glastonbury. It has been given to the center and South Glastonbury already to protect against negative impacts of undesired development. Village District Designation (VDD) would provide Town Council, Town Planning and Zoning (TPZ) and other commissions and boards greater authority over development applications. Without it they have little to none. It is especially crucial that the Naubuc School area receives this protection. It already endures chronic traffic, overcrowding and significant air quality issues. We must receive this designation to be equally protected. We should be ONE Glastonbury, not north and south. 

Why is this important?

Our elected officials need to see that North Glastonbury residents also need their representation and protection. 



2024-08-19 13:51:15 -0400

50 signatures reached

2024-08-18 21:42:03 -0400

25 signatures reached

2024-08-18 20:54:00 -0400

10 signatures reached