1,000 signatures reached
To: Humboldt County Board of Supervisors
Opposition to Rolling Meadow Ranch Cannabis Cultivation Permits

Due to substantial evidence showing that this Project will have several potential harmful effects on the Environment and Public Safety, as well as vastly increase the threat of Wildfire Risk, we ask that the Board of Supervisors issue an order reversing the approval decision of the Planning Commission. Either deny the Project application outright, or, because of the fair argument presented documenting multiple potentially significant impacts, find that an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) is required for the Project, as per the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
Why is this important?
The Project, as proposed, is an energy intensive industrial operation of a size, scope and scale that is inappropriate for a remote wildland ranch on the banks of the Main Stem Eel River.
Extensive public commentary from neighbors, the community, environmental organizations, the local Fire Protection District, and CDFW shows that this project has the potential for severe and harmful consequences. These include negative impacts to the environment and sensitive/protected biological and botanical ecosystems, due to intensive land use and year round groundwater extraction from potentially hydrologically connected waterways.
Increased traffic and human presence may affect access/road infrastructure, community safety and security, and, coupled with the expansion of public utilities, create heightened fire danger in a high risk fire area far from public safety resources.
These and many other potentially significant impacts have been inadequately addressed by the IS/MND documents describing the Project and approved by the Planning Commission. The Humboldt County Planning Department has not required the completion of requested surveys, or provided incomplete assessments; it has consistently modified the IS/MND without giving adequate notice, and failed to post public commentary in a timely manner as per stated guidelines, frustrating public involvement in the process, which is required under CEQA.
It is for these reasons that we request that the Board of Supervisors issue an order reversing the Planning Commission decision for approval of Rolling Meadow Ranch, LLC Conditional Use Permits (PLN-12529-CUP; SCH# 2020070339), denying the application, or else find that an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) is required for the Project going forward.
Extensive public commentary from neighbors, the community, environmental organizations, the local Fire Protection District, and CDFW shows that this project has the potential for severe and harmful consequences. These include negative impacts to the environment and sensitive/protected biological and botanical ecosystems, due to intensive land use and year round groundwater extraction from potentially hydrologically connected waterways.
Increased traffic and human presence may affect access/road infrastructure, community safety and security, and, coupled with the expansion of public utilities, create heightened fire danger in a high risk fire area far from public safety resources.
These and many other potentially significant impacts have been inadequately addressed by the IS/MND documents describing the Project and approved by the Planning Commission. The Humboldt County Planning Department has not required the completion of requested surveys, or provided incomplete assessments; it has consistently modified the IS/MND without giving adequate notice, and failed to post public commentary in a timely manner as per stated guidelines, frustrating public involvement in the process, which is required under CEQA.
It is for these reasons that we request that the Board of Supervisors issue an order reversing the Planning Commission decision for approval of Rolling Meadow Ranch, LLC Conditional Use Permits (PLN-12529-CUP; SCH# 2020070339), denying the application, or else find that an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) is required for the Project going forward.
How it will be delivered
By email to each Humboldt County Supervisor, as well as the Clerk of the Board at [email protected], re: Appeal Record Number PLN-2021-16987.
1: Rex Bohn (707) 476-2391 [email protected]
2: Michelle Bushnell (707) 476-2392 [email protected]
3: Mike Wilson (707) 476-2393 [email protected]
4: Virginia Bass (707) 476-2394 [email protected]
5: Steve Madrone (707) 476-2395 [email protected]