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To: St Johns County School District and the Director of Transportation Mr. Alfred A. Pantano

Reinstate Bus Service for St Johns Forest Community to Liberty Pines Academy (LPA)

Due to the "two-mile rule" in Florida, half of the residents of St Johns Forest Community in St Johns, Florida, have lost bus service to Liberty Pines Academy (LPA) located on Russell Sampson Road in St Johns County, Florida. Students walking to school from St Johns Forest Community must exit through the "back gate" of the neighborhood at North Arabella Road and St Johns Parkway, walk along St Johns Parkway and Florida State Road 9B, before crossing to Russell Sampson Road. St Johns Parkway and Florida State Road 9B are extremely dangerous with little to no protection for students walking to school.

LPA educates students from kindergarten through 8th grade. This walking path is unsafe for both elementary and middle school age students. Residents have advocated to have buses reinstated since buses were revoked in 2018 with many news articles published since then on the matter.

Please sign this petition to bring buses back to the residents of St Johns Forest Community. 

Why is this important?

Please sign this petition to bring buses back to the residents of St Johns Forest Community. Officials need to understand that this school walk is too dangerous for children to traverse and families need support for children to and from school. Transportation must be provided before a child is critically injured.


2024-09-05 15:20:39 -0400

TikTok link to response from Representative Cyndi Stevenson:

2024-09-05 11:34:58 -0400

Shorty Robbins, legislative aide, response to the issue: "Thank you for reaching out about this issue. As you may know, this has been a significant issue for the past several years and last year DOT and the County completed a project to widen the sidewalk, move it back from the road and install guardrails along area where 2209 joins St Johns Parkway. The traffic light timing has been extended, and the ramp to the pedestrian overpass has been modified so that drivers coming off the highway will be able to distinguish it from the road. It is our understanding that all this was completed and DOT, St Johns County and the School Board agreed that this issue was resolved..."
Link to email response:
Link to Representative Cyndi Stevenson, District 18, webpage:

2024-09-05 09:40:15 -0400

Amber Morris, district aide to Representative Daryl Campbell, forwarded my email to Shorty Robbins, legislative aide to Representative Cindy Stevenson: "Hello, This constituent from your district has contacted us. I am forwarding their message to you. Have a good day! Sincerely, Amber Morris"
Link to email response:
Link to Representative Daryl Campbell, District 99, webpage:

2024-09-05 09:35:51 -0400

Jasmine Barnaby, legislative aide to Representative Anna Eskamani, response to the issue: "Good afternoon Kimberly, My name is Jasmine with Rep. Anna V. Eskamani’s office and I am reaching out regarding a message our office received about the school bus transportation and highway safety concerns that you have for your children. We share your concern regarding your children's safety when going to and from school. Since you reside outside of our area, we want to connect you with additional leaders in your area who can assist. We will connect you to Your State Representative, Cyndi Stevenson-District 18, who has more focused ties to the St Johns County area and local school board to elevate this concern."
Link to email response:
Link to Representative Anna Eskamani, District 42, webpage:

2024-09-05 09:29:13 -0400

Kevin Martinez, district senior legislative aide to Senator Kathleen Passidomo, response to the issue: "Good morning Ms. Reach, Thank you for reaching out to Senator Passidomo's office. Senator Passidomo received your email and asked that I reach out to you. Unfortunately, you live in District 7 and we generally suggest constituents contact their local representative to best receive assistance with the issue are you are having. Your State Senator is Senator Travis Hutson and I have included his contact information below. Additionally, I have included the contact information for your State House Representative as well, Rep. Cyndi Stevenson. Further, it may also be helpful to contact your local school board and let them know about the transportation issue you are having. I hope this information helps, -Kevin"
Link to email response:
Link to Senator Kathleen Passidomo, District 28, webpage:

2024-09-05 09:25:33 -0400

Jadith Harvey, executive secretary planning and government relations, response to the issue: "Ms. Reach, Mrs. Tranthan with St. Johns County forwarded your email to our department. I have now forwarded the email to the appropriate department and they will be in touch with you. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance."
Link to email response:
Link to St Johns County School District webpage:

2024-09-04 09:41:25 -0400

Haylee Sapp, application review technician, response to the issue: "You will need to contact the school district regarding this matter: 904-547-7500. Thanks!"
Link to email response:
Link to St Johns County Growth Management Department webpage:

2024-09-04 09:35:34 -0400

Rachel Garvey, transit grants specialist, response to the issue: "Good morning Ms. Reach, Thank you for sharing your concerns! I am the federal grants administrator for the county’s Public Transportation system. Our service provider, the Sunshine Bus Company, is not authorized to provide School Bus service, however, I have copied our Growth Management director, Michael Roberson, who will ensure that your request reaches the proper county or school board administrator. You could also check the school board’s transportation department for a contact, or for more information:"
Link to email response:
Link to St Johns County Transportation Department webpage:

2024-09-03 18:59:19 -0400

First Coast News and Action News Jax will be at the back gate of the neighborhood on September 4 at 7:30 am to do the school walk and conduct interviews. Please come and have your voice heard! The intersection is at North Arabella and St Johns Pkwy.
Here is a link to Google map directions to the intersection:
Here is a link to a Facebook post with more information:

2024-09-03 18:50:16 -0400

Lynette Phillips, district aide for Representative Tom Leek, response to the issue: "Hi Kimberly, Thank you for your email and for letting us know your concerns. As you may know, Representative Leek is currently terming out in the House and running for a seat in the Senate, District 7. No new legislation will be brought forward until after election day in November. Regards, Lynette Phillips"
Link to email response:
Link to Representative Tom Leek, District 28, webpage:

2024-09-03 17:14:14 -0400

Gwynne Gonzalez, office of Representative Kelly Skidmore, response to the issue: "Good afternoon Ms. Reach, Thank you for contacting Rep. Skidmore. Based on your address, I see that your State Representative is Rep. Stevenson of Saint Johns. Out of respect to your State Representative, I have forwarded your information so that her office may have the opportunity to contact you and address your issues directly. Here is her contact information in case you would like to contact her: Suite 902, 309 Kingsley Lake Drive, St. Augustine, FL 32092-3048, (904) 823-2300 Please feel free to reach out to our office if you have any questions. Kindest regards, Gwynne."
Link to email response:
Link to Representative Kelly Skidmore, District 92, webpage:

2024-09-03 15:32:15 -0400

Office of Senator Tracie Davis response to the issue: "Hi Kimberly, Thank you for sharing, this message has been shared with Senator Davis!"
Link to email response:
Link to Senator Tracie Davis, District 5, webpage:

2024-09-03 15:19:34 -0400

Dick D'Souza, assistant director - transportation, response to the issue: "Ms. Reach, I have copied Mr. Pantano, director of Transportation for the School Board. The routing of buses falls under the School Board and the not the County’s government. Thank you"
Link to email response:
Link to St Johns County Transportation Department webpage:

2024-09-03 14:45:36 -0400

Zane Matter, district aide to Representative Tom Keen, response to the issue: "Kimberly, This is an issue that may be best handled by your Local School Board in St. Johns County or the Academy administration. Transportation and student safety is an important issue in Florida, especially with the year just starting. Additionally your State Rep. Cyndi Stevenson may be able to help as well. I will attach her information below. E-Mail Representative Cyndi Stevenson ("
Link to email response:
Link to Representative Tom Keen, District 35, webpage:

2024-09-03 14:17:47 -0400

Representative Peggy Gossett-Seidman response to the issue: "Hello Ms. Reach, Thank you very much for your email and for expressing your concerns with me. As a Representative, it is important to listen to issues affecting our constituents and our communities. As I sit in the Pre K-12 Appropriations Subcommittee, I realize we must maintain a high-level of education for all our students across the state. I encourage you to contact St. Johns County School Superintendent Mr. Tim Forson, as his office oversees schools in your area. I hope this will help resolve your issues. Thank you very much. Sincerely, Representative Peggy Gossett-Seidman"
Link to email response:
Link to Representative Peggy Gossett-Seidman, District 91, webpage: