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To: American public and the World

Trump is a racist, remove the president from office for the Lafayette Square photo op

Sign a petition to remove Trump from office . Every day that he’s in the United States presidential office is a crime against humanity and the people of United States and the world.

Why is this important?

Civil rights are being obliterated, he supports police in using excessive force, the right for peaceful protest is being squashed by Trump the “The want to be” dictator.

How it will be delivered

I am working with my local government to find out the most effective way to share our signatures and help remove Trump from office. Support me and start your own petition or read up on a way you could help your local community. We’re all in this together.



2020-07-28 18:59:29 -0400

Our little community is doing its best to social distance and avoid unnecessary travel only when essential. We live close to the coast and so many people flock to the beaches causing undue stress on our system in orange county. The mayor of Newport Beach is Pro opening restaurants and bars which has turned into a disaster in the last 45 days. All of our local restaurants and bars employees are testing positive. There is no crime and no way to tell if the employees are tested positive and there’s no legal way you can force that information to be public. All of our local restaurants and bars employees are testing positive. If you get sick or ill or even if love ones die nobody is accountable.
This is wrong do your part wear a mask.


2020-06-25 23:07:42 -0400

Please do your part and register to vote or register for absentee voting during the COVID-19 this is very important.!

2020-06-22 09:32:40 -0400

The failed campaign rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma proves that the momentum is starting to swing “against” Donald Trump. I don’t care what you do but have a voice and vote. I vote to remove Trump from office.

2020-06-07 14:55:09 -0400

100 signatures reached

2020-06-07 12:15:27 -0400

Alright everybody, in almost less than a week we have almost a 100 signatures to help remove Trump from office. The statements he makes and the actions he does I find despicable and it’s obviously time for a change. I’m hoping to have unity and to stop the hate. So many people out there carrying guns trying to intimidate protesters totally sending us in the wrong direction.
All I’m asking for is to stop death and racial abuse.

2020-06-04 03:34:40 -0400

People that attended the protest today.

2020-06-04 03:07:31 -0400

OK, this is a great start. I thank each and everyone of you for signing the protests petition. I’m so frustrated and concerned right now.
True story, I live in Newport Beach, California my girlfriend was marching in a black life matters protest and some idiot in a car plowed through the crowd nearly killing adults and three children. We have to stop this, it’s utter madness. Never in my lifetime have I been so concerned about the future.. link below Of incident.

Thanks to all of you.!

2020-06-03 13:33:20 -0400

50 signatures reached

2020-06-03 11:12:51 -0400

25 signatures reached

2020-06-03 10:48:49 -0400

10 signatures reached