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To: Mayor London Breed

Return SF Police Officers from SFO to the City

Common sense solution to increasing police officers in San Francisco is to turn over SFO Airport to the Sheriff. Police Chief Scott could return over 100 police officers to the City to fight crime. Remove SF Police Officers from the Airport and return them to the City to increase Public Safety!

Why is this important?

Crime is rampant in San Francisco! Drug dealers and drug users have free rein. Thefts and Violence is out of control. There is no public safety any longer.



2023-02-18 00:28:28 -0500

SFO Depleting SFPD Officers from San Francisco.

2023-02-18 00:25:15 -0500

Open Letter to SFO Director Ivar Satero

2023-02-04 19:09:40 -0500

50 signatures reached

2023-01-29 01:44:32 -0500

25 signatures reached

2023-01-28 11:20:01 -0500

10 signatures reached