100 signatures reached
To: California Fish & Game Commission
Sand Bass Closure
We, the undersigned, oppose the closing of sand bass fishing during the summer months. This extreme response to the uncertain need goes well beyond being a reasonable response. We feel it primarily serves to support a narrative popular within the academic community that any fishing during spawning is a bad idea. The reality is a dead fish is a dead fish, irrespective of when during the year it dies. Most fish do not provide parental care to their offspring. Sport fishing does not disrupt spawning.
Why is this important?
Sand bass are important to recreational anglers, children, veterans and especially those with less disposable income. The food value of our catch subsidizes the costs involved. Many pier and jetty anglers depend on their catch for sustenance. Sand bass are a highly prized catch.
How it will be delivered
We will deliver the petition to the Fish & Game Commission and staff.