To: Marc Levine (CA-10) and Wendy Carrillo (CA-51)

Say “Thank You” to the champions of the 2015 California DISCLOSE Act

Dark Money and political ads that deceive voters about who's behind them threaten our democracy. That’s why award-winning columnist Thomas Elias called the California DISCLOSE Act "the single most important piece of legislation of 2015".

So the California Clean Money Campaign would like to thank the two Assemblymembers who stepped up to author AB 700, the 2015 California DISCLOSE Act: Assemblymembers Jimmy Gomez (D-Northeast Los Angeles) and Marc Levine (D-San Rafael).

They're standing for voters' right to know the truth of who pays for ballot measure ads, no matter how many layers of front groups Dark Money funders try to hide behind.

Why is this important?

AB 700, the Gomez-Levine California DISCLOSE Act, will stop funders from deceiving voters about who pays for ballot measure ads by requiring ads to clearly reveal their top three funders. Funders must be shown in a big contrasting font on a black background for five seconds. The actual contributors must be listed — none of the usual shell games. Just the truth.

That's why a remarkable 18 newspaper editorial boards called for passing the 2014 California DISCLOSE Act, more than 400 organizations and leaders endorsed it, and more than 80,000 Californians signed petitions for it.

Please thank Assemblymembers Jimmy Gomez (D-Northeast Los Angeles) and Marc Levine (D- San Rafael) for their leadership in the fight against Dark Money in political ads and tell them you're with them and the California Clean Money Campaign!