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  • Urgent Request for Enhanced Healthcare on Virgin Gorda, British Virgin Islands
    Subject: Urgent Request for Enhanced Healthcare Services on Virgin Gorda We, the undersigned, residents and stakeholders of Virgin Gorda, respectfully bring to your attention the critical and ongoing issue regarding the lack of proper healthcare services on our island. As a community, we continue to experience severe challenges due to limited access to essential healthcare facilities and services. The incident on the evening of August 30, 2024 has magnified the gross neglect and inattention to health care and services on Virgin Gorda.  Despite repeated concerns raised over the years, Virgin Gorda remains underserved, as clinics and healthcare centres operate under inadequate conditions that compromise the wellbeing of its residents and guests. These issues include: - Clinics that are either closed for extended periods or operate with drastically reduced hours. - A shortage of qualified medical staff available to provide routine and emergency services, or the inability for them to be scheduled for shifts that cover the operating hours of the clinics. - The absence or malfunction of essential medical equipment, hindering the provision of adequate care. - A lack of specialized healthcare services that forces residents to travel to other islands, often at great inconvenience and expense. These deficiencies in healthcare services pose a significant risk to the health and lives of the residents and guests of Virgin Gorda. The situation is particularly alarming for vulnerable groups such as children, the elderly, and individuals with chronic conditions who rely heavily on accessible and reliable medical care. Healthcare is a Human Right Healthcare is a fundamental human right, as recognized by the United Nations (UN) in Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states:  *"Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including... medical care and necessary social services."* This right should not be denied to the people of Virgin Gorda. It is the responsibility of the Government, the Health Services Authority (HSA), and other relevant authorities to ensure that all citizens have access to quality healthcare, regardless of their geographic location. Our Requests We, therefore, call upon the Government of the British Virgin Islands, the Health Services Authority, and His Excellency the Governor to urgently address the following: 1. Extend clinic operating hours to ensure 24/7 access to healthcare services for emergency and urgent care needs.  Ensure 24 hr availability of a doctor and a nurse on each shift.  2. Equip and staff healthcare facilities with sufficient, well-trained medical and administrative personnel, including general and emergency practitioners, nurses, and emergency responders. 3. Ensure that medical and operational  equipment is fully functional and ensure that the clinics are stocked with sufficient supplies, and that the clinics are equipped with modern, up-to-date technology to provide accurate diagnoses and effective treatment. 4. Increase the availability of specialized medical services to reduce the need for off-island travel for basic medical care and consultations. 5. Develop a long-term plan to expand healthcare infrastructure on Virgin Gorda to meet the needs of a growing population. 1.  Complete the Clinic in Spanish Town by 2025. 2. Ensure minimal 9am-5pm operating hours at North Sound Clinic with a facility staffed at minimal with a nurse and then a doctor 3 days a week by December 15, 2024. 3. Ensure that both clinics have adequate medical supplies as well as working EKG machines and defibrillators. 4. Further explore possibilities of an ambulance boat that is equipped with basic life saving equipment and qualified personnel to staff it. 5. Ensure swimming instruction for doctors and nurses.  6. Ensure that a fully functional dialysis machine, along with all necessary equipment and a trained technician, is available at the Nurse Iris O'Neal Medical Clinic. By addressing these issues, you will not only improve the health and well-being of Virgin Gorda’s residents and guests but also ensure that healthcare on our island is in line with international standards. Recognize as well that Virgin Gorda is a premier tourist destination and urgent care must be available.  We urge you to treat this matter with the utmost urgency, and we look forward to your prompt action in resolving the healthcare crisis that continues to affect our community.
    601 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Sharon Brutus
  • Bring back FREE COVID-19 testing and vaccines
    As of August 2024, new COVID-19 vaccines have been approved to target the latest strains of the virus. But while a summer surge infects people nationwide, the program that has so far guaranteed free COVID vaccines to uninsured and underinsured adults is coming to an end—leaving millions of uninsured Americans left to pay out of pocket for vital preventative care.  Sign the petition to urge the Biden administration to bring back robust COVID-19 federal and state support for testing and vaccines!   
    702 of 800 Signatures
  • Investigate Trump for Violating the Logan Act!
    Disturbing new reports surfaced allegations that Donald Trump has had private conversations with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in order to dissuade a ceasefire agreement and influence the presidential elections. If these allegations are true, this would be a major violation of the Logan Act, which prohibits negotiations between the U.S. and a foreign government by unauthorized civilians—which Trump currently is. Sign the petition to demand the Department of Justice investigate these allegations NOW and file  charges against Trump immediately if found true! 
    34,710 of 35,000 Signatures
  • Mill Valley Middle School Modernization Mess
    I am writing to you as leaders of your respective Local, County, or State agencies, each of which have some level of oversight over the Mill Valley School District (the “District”), as it embarks on a plan to rebuild the Mill Valley Middle School (“MVMS”) on its current site, while housing students on an interim campus for two years during construction. To the extent public acceptance is a factor in your decisionmaking, please know that I join the growing group of Mill Valley parents, guardians, and taxpayers strongly opposed to the District’s plan to house students at the proposed interim site, for the reasons explained below. The District needs to properly evaluate alternative sites.   Dangerous:  The current Mill Valley Middle School is built atop an old burn dump, classified as a Superfund site, whose soil samples show hazardous levels of lead—over 81 times the limit for the State of California—and one area of explosive methane gas, all of which is presently capped by just 2-3 feet of clay soil that would be disrupted during construction.  Disgusting: The proposed interim site will be directly across from the Sewerage Agency of Southern Marin. The site smells of sewage due to hydrogen sulfide. Daily exposure to these fumes can impact student health, and will certainly impact student and teacher morale. Distracting: The interim campus is slated to be right next to the main demolition and construction zone for the permanent MVMS campus, separated only by a chain link fence. The loud construction noises will negatively impact the opportunity to learn for all students, with a disproportionate burden on children with existing learning and behavioral challenges.  Demoralizing: The temporary campus is too small to meet Department of Education minimum site size requirements (unless the District counts Friends Field, and it’s unclear whether the City will permit shared use of that space). Moreover, the Department of Education provides that school districts cannot count as “usable space” any land that is in a flood plain. The entire temporary site is in a flood plain. Additionally, the same children who began elementary school with Zoom Kindergarten are now being asked to once again begin a new phase of schooling amid circumstances that will only compound the challenges confronting this cohort of students.  Disregards Climate Science: MVMS is in a seismic liquefaction zone that is also vulnerable to high tide flooding. The flooding is most acute at the proposed interim site. This risk will only be exacerbated in the near future with rising sea levels, which will likely cause the District and the City to expend significant dollars to protect the permanent site investment in the decades to come.  Budget Concerns:  The District has already spent or committed over $4.3M to the current MVMS plan, and it continues to pursue a risky construction site without the necessary funds. The projected overall budget is $210M, but the Measure G bond funding is for just $194M, which is intended to support both this project and other modernization projects at the District’s elementary schools. The District has not conducted any rigorous study of the costs and possible benefits of alternative sites, as is expected by the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee and the California Department of Education site selection criteria. An alternative site could save taxpayers significant money, in addition to keeping our children safe.  What We are Asking  1.     Reject any plan that includes interim housing of Middle School students next to the construction project, which sits atop a Superfund site, in a flood plain and seismic liquefaction zone, and bordered by a high voltage power station, a smelly sewer plant, and an anticipated hazmat construction zone.  2.     Should an interim campus remain necessary, please ensure that the District studies the feasibility of repurposing the property previously occupied by Terra Marin for the interim campus. This avoids putting students next to a dangerous construction zone, and avoids displacing any elementary students.  3.     Ensure the District appropriately considers alternative locations, in detail, for the permanent MVMS site, as legally required under the EIR process. 4.     Require the District to present a clearly-scoped plan for the entire Measure G project, including the Middle School rebuild and interim housing, as well as the modernization of the five elementary schools, all within the budget of the bond funds.  5.     Ask the City of Mill Valley to collaborate with the District to locate another interim or permanent campus site, using land available within the City. The City is responsible for ensuring that Mill Valley remains a vibrant community able to offer excellent schools, which our property values depend upon to a significant degree.  Please see the website developed by a group of concerned parents that outlines the interim site’s many challenges: You can also follow this group on Instagram @mvmsmodernizationmess for time-sensitive updates, additional photos, and meeting clips.   Please make a safe decision for the wellbeing of our students, teachers, families, taxpayers, and future generations. We can and must do better for the sake of our young people and the community.  Thank you for your time and consideration.
    68 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mill Valley Modernization Mess
  • Demand Greenville County Library Board reverses its decision to hide transgender books
    The Greenville County Library Board has decided to move books with transgender themes from the children’s section to a limited, hard-to-find “Parenting and Early Childhood” section. This is a deliberate act of censorship that not only restricts access to important stories but also marginalizes and erases the experiences of transgender youth. We must take action now to reverse this harmful decision and ensure that all children can see themselves represented in their public libraries!
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Valeria Trevino
  • Bears and Trash in Glenwood Springs
    Dear Mayor Wussow, members of City Council and Director Langhorst, We, the residents of Glenwood Springs, are increasingly frustrated with the ongoing trash issues in our community.  Many residents have raised concerns about the growing number of bears entering town limits in search of food.  Since the citywide roll out of the new policies last year, bear-resistant trash carts were removed and replaced with flimsy alternatives. As a result, there has been a significant increase in bear activity, including bears getting into trash, tearing down fences to get to trash and tipping over dumpsters.  This situation is dangerous for both bears and residents. In addition to being at risk of euthanization, bears that become dependent on human food sources risk exposure to harmful materials that can lead to a painful death.  For residents, the consequences are also severe. Besides a safety concern of having bears wandering our neighborhoods, the first violation for strewn trash is $50 (increasing to $200 on October 1), the second is $500 and the third violation results in a court summons. Add to this, the cost to lease a bear-resistant cart is now double the cost of trash pick-up. For example, a resident pays $25.44/month for a 64g can for weekly trash pick up, whereas the same trash in a bear-resistant cart will now cost $49.44/month.  This program is neither sustainable for the community nor for the bear population. This issue is closely linked to the lack of affordable and accessible bear-resistant trash canisters despite living in bear country. We believe the solution is to provide  bear-resistant canisters and/or dumpsters to all residents. If that is not feasible, these canisters need to be offered at an affordable price.  It is critical that this problem is addressed immediately as bears are entering hyperphagia, a time in which they dramatically increase their food intake as they prepare for hibernation.  Our Ask: 1. Immediately, replace the flimsy trash carts with bear resistant carts (as well as any dumpsters that were switched out) 2. Ensure that any increase in cost is affordable and offer subsidies to those who cannot afford this extra fee. 3. To maximize longevity of the cans,  we suggest providing residents with bear-resistant carts during bear season (May-Oct) which can be swapped out for non bear resistant-carts during non-bear season (Nov-April) Thank you for ensuring the safety of both bears and people in a manner that is both reasonable and affordable.
    217 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Brenda Lee
  • Petition to Reinstate Recess for 5th Grade Students at Manhattan Charter School
    We, the undersigned, are concerned parents, guardians,  and community members who strongly urge the administration to reinstate daily recess for the 5th-grade students at Manhattan Charter School. Recess is not just a break; it is a vital component of our children’s development and well-being.
    89 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Natasha Moreta
  • We love Ligsay and she needs to stay !!
    We are asking that Professor Ligsay is heard and can rightfully plead her case and that she is reinstated from this wrongful termination.
    234 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Jazmin Techie-Mensah
  • Harmonize Listening and Speech Skills For Deaf/Hard of Hearing Children
    Florida Hands & Voices is interested in offering an ASL Refresher course for CEU's to the teachers and staff working with Deaf and Hard of Hearing children to ensure they can effectively communicate and support their students, a Family Ed. Support Group to educate and build a strong community network between Clarke families and the staff and the DHH communities, and lastly, Club SODA Workshops; (Siblings Of Deaf Adults) where siblings can improve communication skills and process their own feelings living their unique lives. We seek to collaborate with Clarke Schools in Jacksonville to strengthen hearing and speech skills for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing children. Research shows that using Sign Supported Language prior to implantation positively impacts children’s speech abilities. Hearing parents can form a strong bond with their children before implantation by using sign language, and their children can still achieve age-appropriate spoken language comprehension.
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rebecca Fogg
  • NO ORV use in JORDAN RIVER VALLEY- Keep it Wild
    Off-road vehicles (ORVs) and all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) can have several negative impacts on natural and scenic watershed regions, including those in northern Michigan: 1. Soil Erosion and Compaction: The use of ORVs and ATVs can lead to soil erosion and compaction. This disrupts the natural soil structure, making it difficult for plants to grow and increasing the risk of erosion. 2. Water Quality Degradation: These vehicles can cause sedimentation in waterways, which can degrade water quality. Increased sediment can harm aquatic habitats and reduce the clarity of the water. 3. Habitat Destruction: The creation of unplanned trails and roads can fragment habitats, disrupt wildlife, and lead to the destruction of sensitive ecosystems such as wetlands and meadows34. 4. Pollution: Inefficient combustion of gasoline and motor oil from these vehicles can lead to the contamination of soil and water with pollutants. 5. Vegetation Damage: ORVs and ATVs can damage vegetation, especially in sensitive areas like bogs and meadows. This can take years to recover from even minimal use. These impacts highlight the importance of managing and regulating the use of ORVs and ATVs in natural areas to protect the environment and maintain the scenic beauty of regions like northern Michigan. The next meeting is September 9, 2024 7pm at Chestonia TWP.
    940 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Brian Kozminski Picture
  • NetEase Games: Please Pick Up WB Games Harry Potter: Magic Awakened Servers
    We, the undersigned, are passionate players of "Harry Potter: Magic Awakened," a beloved mobile game that has brought immense joy and excitement to its community. With recent news of WB Games' decision to shut down the servers for this game, we, the dedicated players of the WB servers, are deeply concerned about the future of a game that has become a cherished part of our lives. "Harry Potter: Magic Awakened" has not only captivated us with its magical world and engaging gameplay but has also fostered a vibrant and dedicated community of players who have invested significant time and resources into the game. The news of its closure is met with great disappointment, as it means losing access to a beloved hobby and community. In light of this situation, we respectfully petition NetEase Games, the developer behind the game's successful launch in China and a well-regarded player in the mobile gaming industry, to consider acquiring the servers and continuing the support for "Harry Potter: Magic Awakened." NetEase Games has a proven track record of managing and nurturing online games, and we believe that they are uniquely positioned to ensure the game's continued success and growth. By acquiring the servers for "Harry Potter: Magic Awakened," NetEase Games would not only preserve the hard work and dedication of the game's developers but also honor the commitment of its global player base. We believe that with NetEase Games at the helm, the game can continue to thrive and evolve, providing countless more hours of enjoyment and community engagement. We urge NetEase Games to explore this opportunity and consider the positive impact their involvement could have on the game's future. Our collective voice reflects the passion and commitment of the "Harry Potter: Magic Awakened" community, and we hope that NetEase Games will take our request into serious consideration. Thank you for your attention to this matter and for your continued support of the gaming community.
    1,984 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Aethera Lawe
  • Justice for Breonna Taylor
    Once again, our broken justice system has failed Breonna Taylor. Breonna Taylor was a Black, 26-year-old, health care worker from Louisville, Kentucky, who became a figure of the Black Lives Matter movement, the the largest protest movement in U.S. history. Breonna was killed in her home by police officers who entered with a warrant based on falsified information and fired 32 times, discharging their weapons blindly through the interior walls of her apartment while she was in bed. Since her death, Breonna Taylor has become another heartbreaking story among the countless victims of police violence and for the fight to end the system of white supremacy that enables police officers to evade accountability. It's unjustifiable that a judge has now thrown out charges against two former police officers who falsified information, leading police to enter Breonna Taylor's apartment with a no-knock warrant and kill her. There can be no justice for Breonna Taylor if our judicial system refuses to hold those who endangered her accountable. As long as police can lie and kill without fear of consequences, our communities will have to suffer the type of police violence that cost Breonna Taylor her life. We’ve had enough.    No one is above the law, including police officers. Sign the petition now to demand Congress take action to end qualified immunity, which allows police officers to escape accountability for their misconduct.
    27,684 of 30,000 Signatures