To: Brian W. Jones (CA-38)
Senator Anderson: Don't Let Secret Money Corrupt Democracy!
I'm disappointed you voted against S.B. 27 last year, and against making Dark Money non-profits reveal their funders. Now that S.B. 27’s been amended --and three Republican Assemblymembers voted for the new version-- you have another chance to show you're in favor of transparency in campaigns. Please vote “Yes” on S.B. 27 when it comes up for a full vote.
Why is this important?
Since the disastrous Citizens United ruling, billionaires and other special interests are funneling record amounts of money through secretive non-profits, trying to buy our elections. Federal prosecutors even say that a foreign tycoon exploited loopholes to try to rig the outcome. This kind of dangerous secrecy must stop.
S.B. 27 will make sure billionaires, foreign tycoons, and other special interests can't hide behind Dark Money non-profits. It requires any group spending $50,000 in California elections to reveal exactly who gave the money. It's a key step before passage of the California DISCLOSE Act (S.B. 52).
Senator Anderson voted “No” on S.B. 27 the first time around. It's now been significantly amended --and received bipartisan support in the Assembly-- so urge him to vote “Yes” now! The vote could be any day.
S.B. 27 will make sure billionaires, foreign tycoons, and other special interests can't hide behind Dark Money non-profits. It requires any group spending $50,000 in California elections to reveal exactly who gave the money. It's a key step before passage of the California DISCLOSE Act (S.B. 52).
Senator Anderson voted “No” on S.B. 27 the first time around. It's now been significantly amended --and received bipartisan support in the Assembly-- so urge him to vote “Yes” now! The vote could be any day.