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To: President Joe Biden

Sign now: President Biden must open the door to Ukranian refugees

President Biden:

I urge you to increase the FY2023 refugee cap to at least 200,000.


Why is this important?

The UN estimates as many as 5 million are ultimately at risk of being displaced by Russia’s invasion. Countries across the globe are already opening their doors to Ukrainian refugees — but in the United States an arbitrary refugee “cap” will shut the door in the face of too many.

But there’s a simple solution: President Biden can increase the cap. He has the power to do it — in fact just last year we saw him raise the limit he set for FY2022 from 62,500 to 125,000. Why? Because people like us pushed him to.

We have an opportunity to push the Biden administration to realign our broken immigration system with our professed values. Will you help?

Add your name to tell President Biden: Raise the FY2023 refugee admissions cap to no less than 200,000!



2022-07-02 09:09:27 -0400

50 signatures reached

2022-03-19 02:57:04 -0400

25 signatures reached

2022-03-11 16:05:43 -0500

10 signatures reached