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To: California Attorney General Rob Bonta

Sign the petition asking the California AG to deny the Quo Warranto against councilmember Macedonio

Dear Attorney General Bonta,

We, the signers of this petition, are petitioning that you don’t approve the Quo Warranto against Karen Macedonio, who is a city councilmember in the City of California City California. The place we call home.

We elected Karen as our city councilmember back in 2020 and as residents of the city, we have no concerns about the other position she serves, which is in the county Healthcare district. She has been doing both for the past two years without issue and now it suddenly appears to be a problem by a select few.

We the people don’t feel there are any conflicts. She is a committed member of the city council, and we feel that the Quo Warranto filed against her is of great concern to us and that there is no merit in doing so.

Our concern is that the city was already told by the previous city attorney that there was no conflict. Our current mayor, who was on the city council then as a councilmember, was aware of this. Therefore, we have concerns with the treatment she is receiving due to this filing, and due to a prior situation where she was also affected by another decision from the same councilmembers and mayor, that voted to have the city attorney proceed with this Quo Warranto.

It says that the remedy of quo warranto is vested in the People, and not in any private individual or group, because the question of who has the right to hold a public office is a matter of public concern, not a private dispute. If this is true and we are those people, then we would like to state to you that we do not have any concerns with her serving both positions and ask that you deny and not approve the Quo Warranto filed against her.

Citizens of California City, CA

Why is this important?

This petition is important because our city councilmember doesn't deserve this. This was not a problem the past two years since she became elected and now it appears to be a problem for the mayor and two councilmembers, who were just elected. This was already looked into prior and has no merit. We the people who elected her should stand by her especially when she is being treated unfairly. #STANDWITHKAREN



2023-01-28 11:51:16 -0500

25 signatures reached

2023-01-22 22:32:16 -0500

10 signatures reached