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To: Theodore (Todd) Kusnierz, Kyle Noonan, John Hogan, John Donohue, Alan VanTassel

Solar & Farming

Solar is not a threat to agricultural activity, but rather a harmonious development that can assist the farming community.  Farmers can utilize solar as a steady revenue stream to help smooth out the impact of low agricultural prices.
Allowing solar development on agricultural lands and reduces pressure to convert farm and farmland to single family homes.

The Town of Moreau should support farmers and landowners who want to support solar. The Town should not adopt a solar law that contains arbitrary soil protection measure that only apply to solar. Solar is temporary land use, and preserve the underlying agricultural land.

Please support our farmers and landowners and allow for solar.

Why is this important?

The proposed draft code is drafted in a manner that treats solar as a pariah, instead of helping to foster a positive relationship between agriculture, the environment, solar and the community.

A well drafted solar code can help ensure that farmers and the community can benefit from additional sources of income, new agriculture, soil preservation and protection from irreversible permanent development.

Farmland that hosts solar will not be sold for single family homes

The Town of Moreau's 2014 farmland protection plan, projects the population in the R-5 zone could increase by 40% between 2010 and 2050.

The report projected increase is the equivalent of 135 new homes.

The plan also projected that the district would lose 770 acres to housing and an additional 800 acres for utilities and roads to serve the new residential development.

In one scenario it was determined that a total of 5,028 new single-family dwelling units could be constructed at full buildout.

A total of 1,561 could be built within the Town’s agricultural zoning districts. Within the R-5 zoning district, approximately 770 single-family homes could be built.

With five (5) acre minimum zoning requirements, this would equal 3,850 acres of new residential parcels.

Solar panels don’t require town services, they don’t go to school and they never call the police.

Solar panels don’t require new roads or road maintenance by the town.

Well designed solar farms allow agriculture to exist between the panels.

Solar is a temporary land use unlike other forms of permanent development.

How it will be delivered

Deliver in Person



2021-06-30 16:00:21 -0400

500 signatures reached

2020-12-19 15:38:13 -0500

100 signatures reached

2020-12-19 14:38:20 -0500

50 signatures reached

2020-12-19 08:27:38 -0500

25 signatures reached

2020-12-18 21:47:56 -0500

10 signatures reached