1,000 signatures reached
To: Idaho State Senators
Stop HJM1 in Idaho!

I appreciate you taking the time to read my letter about House Joint Memorial 1 which wants to define marriage in Idaho as one man and one woman. The people of Idaho don't want this. Most people I talk to would vote against it regardless of party lines. Wasting time on a memorial that most Idahoans disagree with when your time and energy can be put into matters that will help all Idahoans is not productive. We would rather see you spending time on bills and policy proposals that seek to make our state better like prioritizing economic growth, housing costs, education, etc. and not entertain bills or memorials that distract from the work.
Lastly, I have been told that it is the State's responsibility to define marriage and that the federal government should not dictate that. I strongly disagree. If we have states that are defining marriage differently, we are a more divided country. If I have to cross a border for my marriage to be recognized, that is not true freedom and unity. Marriage equality is not a privilege. It is a right as a human being.
Lastly, I have been told that it is the State's responsibility to define marriage and that the federal government should not dictate that. I strongly disagree. If we have states that are defining marriage differently, we are a more divided country. If I have to cross a border for my marriage to be recognized, that is not true freedom and unity. Marriage equality is not a privilege. It is a right as a human being.
Why is this important?
House Joint Memorial 1 passed the House today. Next step: Senate. After that? It goes to the Supreme Court. The SCOTUS still gets to decide whether or not they'll even look at it; however, we know from past decisions that the justices are looking for any chance to look at Obergefell v. Hodges.
Gone are the days to just sit back and let these things play out. You also cannot tell me I'm overreacting or that this will never happen. Instead, please stand in support by flooding the senators with emails. I will put their info in the comments. You can write to them while also not being a resident of the state. Please just tell them to oppose this memorial.
Friends and family, this is very important to me and to people I care deeply about. Even if you don't support gay marriage, you should be angry that the House and Senate are wasting money ($70K per day per session) entertaining bills and memorials that do not serve Idahoans best interests.