To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate
Stop the dangerous plan to turn public school funding into vouchers for private school students.
Congress: Please defend our public schools and oppose HR 610. Taking essential support from public schools and putting it into vouchers for private school students is dangerous and misguided. Repealing ESEA, the landmark law which provides federal support for low-income students and rights for disabled students, would be devastating. Our public schools deserve more support, not less.
Why is this important?
As a public school parent, I see every day the difficult and essential work that happens in our public schools.
That's why I'm sounding the alarm about HR 610, a horrifying new bill in Congress that would repeal the Educational and Secondary Education Act, the landmark law that provides Title I support for schools serving low-income students--and guarantees essential rights for disabled students.
HR 610 would redirect Federal ed funding into to vouchers for private school kids. The bill would also largely abolish the Department of Education and repeal basic health standards for school lunches.
Millions of students like my daughter and her classmates would immediately suffer.
Donald Trump and Betsy DeVos have embraced similar ideas. So we need to stop HR 610 from getting traction in Congress. The good news is, this isn't a party line issue. People across the political spectrum support public schools and the ESEA. If we raise our voices together, we can stop HR 610.
Please share this petition widely!
That's why I'm sounding the alarm about HR 610, a horrifying new bill in Congress that would repeal the Educational and Secondary Education Act, the landmark law that provides Title I support for schools serving low-income students--and guarantees essential rights for disabled students.
HR 610 would redirect Federal ed funding into to vouchers for private school kids. The bill would also largely abolish the Department of Education and repeal basic health standards for school lunches.
Millions of students like my daughter and her classmates would immediately suffer.
Donald Trump and Betsy DeVos have embraced similar ideas. So we need to stop HR 610 from getting traction in Congress. The good news is, this isn't a party line issue. People across the political spectrum support public schools and the ESEA. If we raise our voices together, we can stop HR 610.
Please share this petition widely!