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To: Brad Little- Govenor of Idaho

Story of Seamus (Injustice in Idaho)

Seamus lost his life because of intoxicated teenagers being reckless. The investigation (if you can call it that) quickly closed this case as an accident without following the Idaho state statutes, procedures or protocols. It is to the best of our understanding that that two county sheriff departments need investigated as well as the case of Seamus.

Why is this important?

Corruption is not isolated to just the state of Idaho, but throughout the United States. The police who have felt they have gotten away with the cover up of this awful crime need to know that we, as the people, will not stand or tolerate this abuse of power. Seamus has the right to justice and his mother and family have a right to grieve knowing that they have done everything they could possibly do to get the due justice.



2023-05-08 12:36:30 -0400

25 signatures reached

2023-05-07 16:06:58 -0400

10 signatures reached