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To: Congress

Tell Congress: No war in Mexico!

Reject any authorization for use of military force in Mexico, and fight back against MAGA extremist rhetoric about going to war with Mexico.

Why is this important?

Unhinged MAGA Republicans want to go to war with Mexico. I wish I was joking, but unfortunately, it’s true.1 Reps. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas) and Mike Waltz (R-Fla.) introduced a bill to authorize military use of force against Mexico2, similar to use of force laws used against Afghanistan and Iraq.

Mexico isn’t just our neighbor to the south, they’re also our closest trading partner. A MAGA war against Mexico is as dangerous as it is potentially disastrous.

Sign the petition: Tell Congress to reject MAGA plans to go to war against Mexico!

I can’t even believe I’m writing this, but earlier this year Trump asked military advisers to draw up “battle plans” against Mexico, including dropping bombs.3 If the US attacks Mexico like this, how will any other country on the international stage trust us or take us seriously in the future?

Also, let’s not forget that the US is already sinking millions of tax dollars into the “War on Drugs” and it’s not working. We’ve destabilized Latin American democracies, creating environments ripe for human rights abuses and government corruption, which only strengthens the drug cartels we’re fighting against.

Bombing Mexico won’t end the “War on Drugs,” anyone with common sense can see that. Unfortunately MAGA extremists aren’t interested in reason or real, fact-based solutions to address the addiction crisis in America. When Trump says “bombs” they fall in line.

That’s why we have to stop this dead in its tracks.

Sign the petition: Tell Congress to reject MAGA plans to bomb Mexico!

1. Rolling Stone, “Trump Asks Advisers for ‘Battle Plans’ to ‘Attack Mexico’ if Reelected,” March 29, 2023.
2. Politico, “GOP embraces a new foreign policy: Bomb Mexico to stop fentanyl,” April 10, 2023.
3. Rolling Stone, “Trump Asks Advisers for ‘Battle Plans’ to ‘Attack Mexico’ if Reelected,” March 29, 2023.



2023-10-13 11:30:46 -0400

100 signatures reached

2023-09-07 16:30:00 -0400

50 signatures reached

2023-09-07 14:37:33 -0400

25 signatures reached

2023-08-30 20:55:59 -0400

10 signatures reached