To: Paul Polman, CEO, Unilever and Tom Langan, External Affairs Director - Unilever North America

UNILEVER: Disclose fragrance ingredients in your product labels!

On behalf of Brandon Silk and countless others who are also adversely impacted by fragrance allergies, I ask you to be an industry leader by taking the following steps:

• Fully disclose fragrance ingredients on your product labels.
• Eliminate and safely substitute the chemicals linked to cancer, reproductive and developmental harm and other health concerns in your cosmetic products.
• Support federally mandated fragrance ingredient disclosure.

To take these steps would demonstrate your commitment to the safety and good health of your consumers worldwide.

Why is this important?

At the age of 10, Rosa Silk's son, Brandon, started having an allergic reaction to an ingredient in Unilever’s popular Axe Body Spray. For eight years, she's been struggling to keep her son, an otherwise happy and healthy young man, in school and out of hospital emergency rooms due to one harmful word in this product: “fragrance.”

After many years researching what ingredients might be causing Brandon’s severe reactions, they still have no idea of exactly which chemicals are being used in Axe Body Spray, or what ingredients are causing the problem, because the manufacturer refuses to disclose the fragrance ingredients.

Although it's just one little word on an ingredient label, fragrance can contain dozens, even hundreds, of chemicals—including known carcinogens, hormone disruptors, environmental toxicants and other chemicals of concern. In fact, fragrance allergies affect two to 11 percent of the general population. This translates into tens of millions of people that are globally affected by fragrance and studies suggest that this chemical sensitivity is on the rise.

Without required fragrance ingredient disclosure, it is impossible for consumers to avoid problematic ingredients or for researchers and regulators to understand the full universe of ingredients used to formulate cosmetic products.

On behalf of Brandon and others affected by this life-threatening issue, please help us tell Unilever to disclose all fragrance ingredients on their labels!

