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To: All Palm Beach County Commissioners Hal R. Valeche, Robert S. Weinroth, Dave Kerner, Mack Bernard, Gregg K. Weiss, Melissa McKinlay, Mary Lou Berger

Improve contact tracing in Palm Beach County NOW

We are asking that contact tracing is improved in Palm Beach County. There are areas where contact tracing needs to be improved and are within the county’s control. Legally mandated compliance from the public and businesses and public education have lead to near eradication of the virus in other parts of the world. This can be done without violating anyone’s rights. Ideally, this would be part of a reopening process and used in conjunction with improved testing standards.

Further gaining compliance from businesses is necessary and can be done by:
- mandating contact tracing at nonessential businesses by requiring them to keep a 60 day log of patrons
- mandating contact tracing at essential businesses by requiring them to keep a 60 day log of patrons who volunteer to be notified if they may have been in contact with an infected person
- requiring businesses to inform employees if an anonymous staff member tests positive
- requiring landlords and condo associations to notify all tenants if an anonymous person in their complex has tested positive

Improving compliance from the public by using methods that have been adopted by other areas:

- making contact tracing mandatory for those who test positive
- requiring the infected individual to state where they live and where they work
- delivering a subpoena to those who refuse to comply
- public service announcements on the importance of contact tracing

We need to get the virus under control with proper tools in place. We are way behind in the US and particularly in Florida. We need to demand better services so that we can resume our lives and build the economy.

Why is this important?

Currently, contact tracing is not required in Palm Beach County for those who test positive. Contact tracing is essential to stopping Coronavirus. In South Korea, where contact tracing is prioritized, the curve is nearly flat and the economy has not majorly suffered.


2020-08-06 10:06:44 -0400

25 signatures reached

2020-08-02 22:21:58 -0400

10 signatures reached