20,000 signatures reached
To: All members of the House and Senate
USA should not be short staffing nor short funding the FAA and Traffic Controllers
Public safety is the primary domain of government. Air traffic control is a uniquely government function. Short staffing of Air Traffic Control and inadequate funding of the FAA is, without question, the root cause of mid-air collisions like Thursday's accident at Reagan Airport.
No more excuses. Lives are at stake every day. We have the safest possible aircraft (despite Boeing's issues) to fly in, and we should be able to have the best possible flight safety systems. Period.
We demand full funding of the FAA, and full staffing of air traffic control systems.
No more excuses. Lives are at stake every day. We have the safest possible aircraft (despite Boeing's issues) to fly in, and we should be able to have the best possible flight safety systems. Period.
We demand full funding of the FAA, and full staffing of air traffic control systems.
Why is this important?
America is the wealthiest nation in the world. We can and should have a fully staffed flight control system and a fully funded FAA. A politic that would consider tax cuts for the wealthy so they can take joy rides into space, while at the same time using a 'Swiss cheese' approach to air traffic control to pinch government spending is insane.
The irreplaceable lives of 67 people were lost this Thursday due to a preventable accident. All mid-air collisions are this. At the time of this accident, the fact that one controller was doing the work of two, and that this was considered 'permissible' reveals the root of the problem: Short staffed air traffic controller systems. These dedicated, over worked heroes have warned us for years, since the 1970's when Reagan fired them all over a strike about working conditions, that their work load is unrealistic. As traffic has increased dramatically over the last decades, near-collisions have increased proportionately. Yet, our government leaders have not responded to the warnings that traffic controllers are overworked and under staffed. Many, many warnings have been ignored. Now 67 have died and their families have suffered the worst imaginable loss; all because these elected leaders have failed to respond.
We the people must DEMAND that our air traffic control system be fully staffed and fully funded, so it can operate at it's best possible level and provide the best possible safety. Our very lives depend on it.
Please sign this petition, and we must all call / write your Senators and Congress persons and make this demand. Fully staff flight controllers and fully fund the FAA.
The irreplaceable lives of 67 people were lost this Thursday due to a preventable accident. All mid-air collisions are this. At the time of this accident, the fact that one controller was doing the work of two, and that this was considered 'permissible' reveals the root of the problem: Short staffed air traffic controller systems. These dedicated, over worked heroes have warned us for years, since the 1970's when Reagan fired them all over a strike about working conditions, that their work load is unrealistic. As traffic has increased dramatically over the last decades, near-collisions have increased proportionately. Yet, our government leaders have not responded to the warnings that traffic controllers are overworked and under staffed. Many, many warnings have been ignored. Now 67 have died and their families have suffered the worst imaginable loss; all because these elected leaders have failed to respond.
We the people must DEMAND that our air traffic control system be fully staffed and fully funded, so it can operate at it's best possible level and provide the best possible safety. Our very lives depend on it.
Please sign this petition, and we must all call / write your Senators and Congress persons and make this demand. Fully staff flight controllers and fully fund the FAA.