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To: Doug Collins, Tammy Duckworth, Joni Ernst, JD Vance, and Tom Cotton

VETB - Veterans Earned Their Benefits

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash
We, as a nation, have always understood that those who sacrifice everything to give their lives to the US Military to do as needed should be taken care of when they leave the service of our nation. The benefits, healthcare, and pay of veterans MUST be protected. Without the millions of veterans in this country, there would be a huge amount of USPS employee shortage. Without the veterans, wars would not be won. Without some stability and security from the Veterans Adminstration, and members of Congress, every veteran is currently living a life of fear. They're afraid they will lose their disability pay. They're frightened of losing the healthcare that is often the only healthcare they have. It is your duty, and everyone's duty, to ensure that veterans aren't living in fear of losing the benefits they earned by enlisting in the military in service to our great nation. Laws need to be passed to enshrine and protect forever the care of our nation's veterans.
To turn your backs on your brothers and sisters in arms says if you served, you didn't understand the assignment. If I were in a foxhole with any of you, I would do whatever I needed to do to keep you safe. Isn't that the LEAST we should expect from our country in return? 
We volunteered to protect our nation. What would YOU expect in return?

Why is this important?

If enough voices speak, they will be heard. If you are a veteran, or care about a veteran, it is imperative that you add your voice. There is strength in numbers and this is about as easy a thing you can do to make your voice heard. To make all  our voices heard! Stand up! It's time to take action and show our veterans that we do make good on our promise to take care of them in return for their sacrifices. 

As a disabled veteran myself, I am very concerned that my earned benefits and healthcare could be taken away from me at any given moment. I've lived in a state of low key panic since January 20, 2025. I have buddies who are living in the same state of fear, and I have family and friends who are VHA (Veterans Health Administration) doctors and nurses and they're terrified. 

We need these bright caring minds. Veterans can be a complex set of creatures due to the unique stressors military life brings. 

Please try to find it in your heart to share your voice. I will stand beside you and share my voice as well. And I will have your six. 

Thank you!



2025-02-16 11:07:09 -0500

100 signatures reached

2025-02-09 16:09:43 -0500

50 signatures reached

2025-02-07 18:03:45 -0500

25 signatures reached

2025-02-07 12:49:31 -0500

10 signatures reached