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To: The great people of Westchester NY who are constantly abused by state and local apathy to our financial interests

Westchester NY: Fight back against the ConEd utilities monopoly

To the state and local reps of Westchester NY:
We need your help in fighting for the people’s best interest against predatory and ultra profitable utility providers like Con Edison who continually raise delivery fees and miscellaneous costs which result in outrageous utility bills passed through to the residents, family’s and citizens of Westchester county. We pay the most always. Property Taxes. Income Taxes. Fees. Fines. It’s relentless and abusive. Our cost of living only increases exponentially. Help us. This once. Put the pandering, the glad handing aside and help us fight the Utility Mafia who has a monopoly strong hold on the people. If there was ever a reason to make some noise. This is it. This is our cost of life. Our utilities. 

Why is this important?

The good people of Westchester NY. 

We need our voices to be heard by our state and local legislators. They are representatives for us! Let’s put them to work. 

Let’s make some noise at the New York State Public Service Commission to stop the relentless increases by Con Edison, the utility mafia. 

Thank you for joining me! Our families pay the most in every other capacity here. Let’s fight utilities. 



2025-01-30 09:15:23 -0500

100 signatures reached

2025-01-29 16:31:30 -0500

50 signatures reached

2025-01-28 14:01:06 -0500

25 signatures reached

2025-01-28 11:54:03 -0500

10 signatures reached