Petition is successful with 589 signatures
To: Ken Freedman
WFMU Ichiban
We got to keep our name and content.

-Create a standing letter of agreement for volunteer content providers that specifies ownership of contributions made.
-Allow volunteers who provide creative content to maintain control of that work after leaving WFMU.
-Changes made to policies on volunteer work be made retroactive to include past volunteer work.
-Allow volunteers who provide creative content to maintain control of that work after leaving WFMU.
-Changes made to policies on volunteer work be made retroactive to include past volunteer work.
Why is this important?
It's important to let the management of WFMU know that it is not ok to exploit it's volunteer DJs. We should be able to keep our show title and all content that we provided to the station, should we decide to leave.
Please let me keep my name, Rock 'n' Soul Ichiban
Please let me keep my name, Rock 'n' Soul Ichiban