To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
QUICK SIGNATURE for the Refugee Border Children!
Tell Congress and President Obama: "Please act quickly to make sure that all Central American child refugees are treated humanely, that their immediate needs are met, and that they are all given fair due process!"
Why is this important?
They are small, as our own children are small. They are alone and afraid. Tens of thousands of child refugees from Central America are arriving at the U.S. border without anyone to protect them, many driven from their homes by organized crime, gangs, and violence.
The average age of the child refugees is thirteen years old, and approximately 40% are girls. [1] Even girls who are little more than preschool-aged are being targeted by gangs and criminals in Central America. Leaving their countries is often a last resort. If these child refugees are sent back from the U.S., then many face additional threats of violence and even death.[2]
This is a humanitarian emergency.
As a nation, we need to behave according to our values by treating all child refugees fairly and humanely. We must also recognize that these refugees are children -- and do our best to treat child refugees as well as possible given the difficult circumstances.
Help speak up for them. Sign now!
[1] "A Refugee Crisis, Not an Immigration Crisis", New York Times, July 11, 2014
[2] "Fleeing Gangs, Children Head to U.S. Border", New York Times, July 9, 2014
The average age of the child refugees is thirteen years old, and approximately 40% are girls. [1] Even girls who are little more than preschool-aged are being targeted by gangs and criminals in Central America. Leaving their countries is often a last resort. If these child refugees are sent back from the U.S., then many face additional threats of violence and even death.[2]
This is a humanitarian emergency.
As a nation, we need to behave according to our values by treating all child refugees fairly and humanely. We must also recognize that these refugees are children -- and do our best to treat child refugees as well as possible given the difficult circumstances.
Help speak up for them. Sign now!
[1] "A Refugee Crisis, Not an Immigration Crisis", New York Times, July 11, 2014
[2] "Fleeing Gangs, Children Head to U.S. Border", New York Times, July 9, 2014