Few animals embody wildness like grizzly bears and wolverines. They're fierce, mysterious — and in trouble.
Join us today, Thursday, April 30, for a Saving Life on Earth discussion about our work to defend two of our most iconic carnivores: grizzly bears and wolverines. The presentation will include Center Senior Attorney Andrea Zaccardi and Endangered Species Program Director Noah Greenwald.
The hour-long webinar will start at 4 p.m. PT / 7 p.m. ET. It's free, but you need to sign up.
Link to sign up: zoom.us/webinar/register/1415871473533/WN_WXU3RWWuT4ixv5YsOf4n0A
This week's conversation will dive into the biology and significance of grizzly bears and wolverines and how you can join our campaigns to ensure they have the long-term protection they need to survive.
Sign up in the link below for today's conversation. We'll see you there.