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To: Trenton Tenants Stand Strong

Address Rising Rent and Holding Landlords Accountable

We, the residents of Trenton, New Jersey, are deeply concerned about the rising cost of rent in our city. The rapid increase is creating a housing crisis, making it increasingly difficult for families and individuals to find affordable housing.

Unaffordable housing: Rent in Trenton is rising at an alarming rate, outpacing wage growth and pushing many residents towards insecurity. This uncertainty creates a stressful and unstable living environment particularly for families and single individuals.

Lack of accountability for Landlords: We urge the city council to implement stricter regulations and hold landlords accountable for maintaining safe and habitable living conditions while ensuring fair rental practices.

Why is this important?

We, the undersigned, demand that the Trenton City Council take immediate action to address the housing crisis by:

1. Implementing rent control measures to stabilize rental prices and prevent excessive rent increase. 

2. Increasing funding for affordable housing initiatives to create more accessible housing options for low-and moderate income families and individuals.

3. Establishing a renters' ordinance to ensure that tenants have clear protections and recourse mechanisms in case of unfair treatment by landlords.

4. Conducting a comprehensive study to assess the true scope of the affordability issue in Trenton. This study should include a survey to determine the percentage of residents who can or cannot afford current rental prices.

We believe that everyone deserves access to safe, decent and affordable housing. We urge the City of Trenton Council  and State of NJ to prioritize the needs of the residents and take decisive action to address the housing crisis.


2024-08-18 23:30:35 -0400

100 signatures reached

2024-07-29 11:28:34 -0400

50 signatures reached

2024-07-25 22:17:19 -0400

25 signatures reached

2024-07-25 01:04:38 -0400

Thanks to all that signed the petition. Please continue to share with family and friends

2024-07-25 00:21:20 -0400

10 signatures reached