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To: Past Presidents of the United States of America

An Open Letter to Presidents Clinton, Bush, Obama and Biden – “Call it what it is!”

Photo by alesia on Unsplash
In honor of President’s Day 2025, the petitioners herein make a solemn and urgent plea to our surviving past United States Presidents - Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama and Joe Biden to make a joint statement denouncing the actions of the current administration.
The American people (including those who voted for Donald Trump without understanding his destructive plan) crucially need your help by labeling this administration’s actions a Coup d’état, currently jeopardizing our democracy. This administration has violated the very core of our United States Constitution, Bill of Rights, morality and humanity.
You took an oath to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States” when the American people elected you to the Presidency.  You all upheld this oath, and we believe you are still bound by that sacred oath.
Please make it clear that many actions in Washington DC taken by Donald Trump and Elon Musk since January 20, 2025 are illegal and unconstitutional.  They do NOT represent government by, of and for the people.  As past Presidents, you have the unique experience to best understand the gravity of the situation and help steer us back onto the path of democracy.  We hold you accountable to your oath.
Please take this action today to preserve, protect and defend our Constitution.

The Undersigned:

Why is this important?

Current administration is violating the U S Constitution, Bill of Rights, and our democracy


2025-02-18 17:06:35 -0500

100 signatures reached

2025-02-17 13:38:49 -0500

50 signatures reached

2025-02-16 20:07:02 -0500

25 signatures reached

2025-02-16 17:47:24 -0500

10 signatures reached

2025-02-16 16:51:09 -0500

Apologies for not including President Biden on the original petition, it was an oversight on my part!!