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To: Gov. Andrew Cuomo

Better Measures for the Coronavirus Emergency to protect People

NY State should to 2 things to protect people, 1- Emergency Unemployment Insurance Benefits for workers who do not have paid time off. This was done after Sandy, and it's time to provide for workers who are forced to either go to work sick or become unable to meet their basic needs i.e. rent, and 2- The New York Health Insurance Marketplace should open for a special enrollment period for those who do not have health insurance but now see the dire need to get coverage.

Why is this important?

By allowing workers to stay home without fear of being unable to make rent and allowing people to buy health insurance, EVERYONE will be better off as it will help slow the spread of the virus. Also, if more people get health insurance, the insurance pool will be bigger, and presumably younger people who opted not to get insurance will be motivated to get covered.


2020-03-09 17:07:46 -0400

100 signatures reached

2020-03-09 14:48:11 -0400

50 signatures reached

2020-03-09 14:30:45 -0400

25 signatures reached

2020-03-09 14:23:21 -0400

10 signatures reached