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To: Ulster County Residents, Central Hudson Customers in Ulster County

Central Hudson Consideration for Public Recreation Area - Sturgeon Pool - Rifton, NY

From Ulster Country Residents/Visitors, and Central Hudson customers: 

We would like to ask Central Hudson Gas and Electric, along with its parent company Fortis Energy, to make some accomodations for a small public recreation site to its property that borders Sturgeon Pool in Rifton. 

Sturgeon Pool is a beautiful reservoir near the hamlet of Rifton, in the Town of Esopus in Ulster County, New York. It was created by damming the Wallkill River just above Rondout Creek, with plans for a hydroelectricity production facility just over 100 years ago. These efforts were met with some local and state assistance in securing lands for what is now known as Central Hudson Gas and Electric. 

Sturgeon Pool is home to Central Hudson's Dashville facility, which generates power and serves a lot of local residents. There are nearly 800 acres of surrounding property that comprise this property. Enclosed are the generation assets and 'training' facilities. There is also some use of this property for recreational purposes, for Central Hudson employees only. 

Local residents would ask that Central Hudson, and its parent company Fortis, please consider the following project within its current community investment efforts. (

Project: A public access and parking area along Route 213 in Rifton NY, for limited public recreation and enjoyment area at/adjacent to Sturgeon Pool. 

~Note there are a few points to consider:

*Safety: Over the years there have been some really close calls here: with some people fishing, walking along/ parking along the highway there. Kids are fishing there all the time and love it! It's time to consider allowing for more accessible means of enjoying this waterway and addressing a known safety issue, too! 

* Senator Chuck Schumer was instrumental in securing over $3.4+million dollars for this specific site/facility's upgrade, through the Infrastructure Act benefitting numerous Upstate New York economic projects. A very small part of this public funding be used as thanks for this funding/generosity, and again as part of its own community investment efforts, in allowing for some small area public access to this lake, recreation, fishing, etc..

* Not just for residents, but Central Hudson customers!: There are currently over 180,000 Ulster County residents who are Central Hudson customers. 

This petition will be shared with the personnel/offices for the Ulster Co Executive, Sen Chuck Schumer, Mr. Joe Jenkins and others of Central Hudson. Further, as part of this effort, communications have been made requesting Fortis consider this as part of its community investment efforts online. To add, other executives at Fortis, along with members of its board will be contacted as well. 

Why is this important?

This would be a very effective change of course for this property.
* Funding: Sen Chuck Schumer was instrumental in securing over $3.4+million dollars for this facility's upgrade. A small part of this very public funding could be used/offset as thanks for this funding/generosity and the continued confidence in Central Hudson's use/management of what are very public waterways. 

*Community Investments: Central Hudson, along with its parent company Fortis, have made very public their intentions for continued community investment projects. This could be one such project that is already within their ownership! They own the land, a large portion of it is already used for recreation purposes (for CH employees only currently), and as state above - very generous public funding has been made available - earmarked for this location. Local town/County partnerships could easily ensure this type of property's upkeep and maintenance - if not existing maintenance that is already in place. 

*Safety: Over the years there have been some really close calls with some people fishing - walking along, parking along the highway there. Kids are fishing there all the time and love it! Its time to consider allowing for more accessible means of enjoying this waterway and addressing a known safety issue too! 

* Not just for residents, but Central Hudson customers!:  These aren't strangers. The people who live in this are (currently over 180,000 Ulster County residents) are Central Hudson customers. 

How it will be delivered

*Online Petitions/Social Media Communications
*Letters to, but not limited to, Ulster County Legislative Representatives, New York State Representatives, US Congressional Representatives, Private Foundations/Community Organizations, and local residents


2024-08-16 23:05:52 -0400

25 signatures reached

2024-08-10 10:23:30 -0400

10 signatures reached