25 signatures reached
To: Franklin Cownie, Carl Voss, Connie Boesen, Bill Gray, Linda Westergaard, Josh Mandelbaum, Joe Gatto
City of Des Moines: Strike Back Against Climate Now
We the undersigned ask the City of Des Moines to take the Climate Crisis seriously and act accordingly. As Des Moines citizens, as Iowans and as Americans, and most importantly as humans, we call for comprehensive climate action immediately for the sake of our Earth. We stand at a moment in history that is unprecedented. We must do our part and act now to save our Earth. We ask that the City of Des Moines implement a complete and comprehensive climate plan that does everything in the cities power to fulfill our demands for the State of Iowa:
We demand the implementation of agriculture policies that ensure a sustainable economic future, ecological balance, and the well-being of Iowa’s farmers, a diverse environment and residents of the state of Iowa now and any preemptive measures to advance Iowa for the future.
We demand net-zero carbon emissions by 2030 in Iowa as it is necessary to stay below a 2 degrees Celsius climate temperature increase. Which if not reached, would be catastrophic for ecosystems.
We demand a recycling plan that upgrades our local recycling system
We demand a comprehensive just transition plan that builds dual power and counter-institutions for the social and environmental empowerment of our communities fighting the climate crisis.
We support an increase in educational opportunities for students in K-12 to learn about the impacts of climate change, encourage academic advisors in public institutions to introduce students to technical fields within the growing green energy industry and to fully fund schools. Additionally, we support redistributing funding to better help schools with more low-income communities. These policies are critical to better prepare Iowa students for their future.
We demand the implementation of agriculture policies that ensure a sustainable economic future, ecological balance, and the well-being of Iowa’s farmers, a diverse environment and residents of the state of Iowa now and any preemptive measures to advance Iowa for the future.
We demand net-zero carbon emissions by 2030 in Iowa as it is necessary to stay below a 2 degrees Celsius climate temperature increase. Which if not reached, would be catastrophic for ecosystems.
We demand a recycling plan that upgrades our local recycling system
We demand a comprehensive just transition plan that builds dual power and counter-institutions for the social and environmental empowerment of our communities fighting the climate crisis.
We support an increase in educational opportunities for students in K-12 to learn about the impacts of climate change, encourage academic advisors in public institutions to introduce students to technical fields within the growing green energy industry and to fully fund schools. Additionally, we support redistributing funding to better help schools with more low-income communities. These policies are critical to better prepare Iowa students for their future.
Why is this important?
To save our Earth, every government on every part of the globe must do their part to stop the Climate Crisis.