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To: Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont and Secretary of State Denise Merrill

Connecticut petition for universal vote-by-mail program for the June 2, 2020 Primary Election

On primary day in some states, when the extreme dangers of COVID-19 were first being reported, many voters took extra precautions and stayed home in safety at the expense of their voice being heard in the Primary Election. These states had little warning and were unable to prepare a vote-by-ballot system for these extraordinary times. Connecticut has had several weeks to prepare for Primary Day on June 2, 2020, but the State still has not announced any intention to conduct voting by mail. If the CT Governor and Secretary of State do not implement a vote-by-mail process for this year's Primary Election, then they will be putting voters and their loved ones at risk, silencing voters who fear catching or spreading the virus, and preventing Connecticut from becoming a leader in the Northeastern regarding the promotion of democracy.

Why is this important?

I am the Reverend Dr. Daniel Schlorff, advocate for voters' rights and ballot access activist for over 20 years. While I have agreed to run for CT State Representative (HD90, Wallingford and Cheshire), I'm also concerned that the voters of my district as well as voters all across the state will have to choose between risking sickness during this pandemic vs. not being able to exercise their voice in this year's election cycle.

Several states have already successfully enacted a vote-by-mail program, including Oregon, Washington, Colorado, Utah, California, and Hawaii -- and these states are seeing a higher voter turnout as a result.

That's why I'm asking you and all voters of Connecticut to help me tell Governor Lamont and Secretary Merrill that the voters of Connecticut want an executive order and enactment of a universal vote-by-mail program instead of the in-person Primary Election scheduled for June 2, 2020. Furthermore, should either the State or Federal governments not issue an all-clear in advance of the General Election on November 3, 2020 , we will once again urge them to enact the universal vote-by-mail program, to continue until all voters are safe to leave their homes and enter the voting booths without extreme risk.

Sending this petition is the only way to send a message that is loud and clear, that we want to prevent voter disenfranchisement this election year while also keeping Connecticut voters safe from others and others from them.

Thank you for signing this petition!


2020-04-07 18:01:08 -0400

100 signatures reached

2020-04-04 12:21:02 -0400

50 signatures reached

2020-04-03 18:15:16 -0400

25 signatures reached

2020-04-03 15:21:02 -0400

10 signatures reached