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To: Are you part of the resistance against this fascist regime? Let your voice be heard!

Constitutional Crisis!

Fellow American Resistance Fighters!

All over the United States are millions upon millions of Americans who want to scream from rooftops and join the resistance. 

The biggest hurdle is that no one seems to know which rooftop to meet on and we don’t appear to have a clear leader to guide us for this government overthrow. 

We need a leader or leaders or who will publicly and consistently exclaim “Constitutional Crisis!!"

Why is this important?

This administration wants us to be overwhelmed and feel as if we are in complete chaos! Let’s not let them do that. 

Let’s start by gathering everyone against this fascist administration in one place and we can do that by signing this petition to show how strong our numbers are! Show them how we outnumber them! 

When we organize, we win. When we fight, we win


2025-02-02 18:30:33 -0500

1,000 signatures reached

2025-02-02 00:09:34 -0500

500 signatures reached

2025-02-01 12:54:13 -0500

100 signatures reached

2025-02-01 11:45:43 -0500

50 signatures reached

2025-02-01 11:16:47 -0500

25 signatures reached

2025-02-01 11:07:40 -0500

10 signatures reached