10 signatures reached
To: Honorable Nancy Pelosi, U.S. House of Representatives
Democrats in Congress: Censure POTUS Trump and AG Barr
I read the recent MoveOn emails calling for petition signatures for impeachment of Trump and Barr. I would normally support these petitions wholeheartedly but at this stage of the election process I feel that impeachment would be a futile process that would distract from the major objective of voting this POTUS and his ineffectual supporters out of office in November.
For this reason I have in recent days written my representatives in Congress urging them to sponsor legislation to censure the President and Attorney General. This could pass quickly in the House and force the Senate to take a position on Trumps' abuses of power and focus voters’ attention on the many reasons why Trump must be defeated.
I was outraged at the military actions in Washington to disperse lawfully assembled protesters from Lafayette Park across from the White House. The use of National Guard troops, local police on foot and on horseback, and National Guard helicopters to harass the crowd was nothing less than a dramatic escalation of ill-advised brutality that killed one black man a few weeks ago to the level of National policy.
The comments by Attorney General William Barr trying to deflect the blame for ordering the actions to disperse the crowd would be laughable if not so tragically ignorant of the risks of endangering the health and safety of thousands of innocent protesters. Even if Barr did not directly order the action it is obvious that the order originated further up the chain of command, from his boss the POTUS. All of this undertaken to allow the President to stage a politically motivated photo op in front of a fire damaged church.
I now see actions being proposed by some members of Congress to pass new legislation aimed mainly at limiting police powers and establishing appropriate discipline standards for law enforcement offenders. This is long overdue but stops short of highlighting the offenses of the President, HIS Attorney General and all of the weak and cowardly members of Congress who support their outrageous conduct. They should be called to account for their disgraceful actions or inaction.
While it is impractical to commence another impeachment, at the very least Congress should pursue formal censure of President Trump, AG Barr and their cowardly supporters.
If you agree with my concerns and recommendation please sign this petition and followup by contacting your members in both houses of Congress to urge them to originate or support a bill to censure President Trump, AG Barr and their cowardly supporters for their disgraceful actions in turning America into a police state.
For this reason I have in recent days written my representatives in Congress urging them to sponsor legislation to censure the President and Attorney General. This could pass quickly in the House and force the Senate to take a position on Trumps' abuses of power and focus voters’ attention on the many reasons why Trump must be defeated.
I was outraged at the military actions in Washington to disperse lawfully assembled protesters from Lafayette Park across from the White House. The use of National Guard troops, local police on foot and on horseback, and National Guard helicopters to harass the crowd was nothing less than a dramatic escalation of ill-advised brutality that killed one black man a few weeks ago to the level of National policy.
The comments by Attorney General William Barr trying to deflect the blame for ordering the actions to disperse the crowd would be laughable if not so tragically ignorant of the risks of endangering the health and safety of thousands of innocent protesters. Even if Barr did not directly order the action it is obvious that the order originated further up the chain of command, from his boss the POTUS. All of this undertaken to allow the President to stage a politically motivated photo op in front of a fire damaged church.
I now see actions being proposed by some members of Congress to pass new legislation aimed mainly at limiting police powers and establishing appropriate discipline standards for law enforcement offenders. This is long overdue but stops short of highlighting the offenses of the President, HIS Attorney General and all of the weak and cowardly members of Congress who support their outrageous conduct. They should be called to account for their disgraceful actions or inaction.
While it is impractical to commence another impeachment, at the very least Congress should pursue formal censure of President Trump, AG Barr and their cowardly supporters.
If you agree with my concerns and recommendation please sign this petition and followup by contacting your members in both houses of Congress to urge them to originate or support a bill to censure President Trump, AG Barr and their cowardly supporters for their disgraceful actions in turning America into a police state.
Why is this important?
This is vitally important to the survival of our democracy. Four more years of a Trump administration will further erode the basic principles of our society and endorse the authoritarian character of his governing style.