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To: State and Federal Legislators

Stay Woke: End Cash Bail

Abolish cash bail systems and create a bail system that takes into account public safety and likelihood to return to court, similar to the system used by the District of Columbia.

Why is this important?

Our Constitution prohibits excessive bail and yet over 412,000 innocent people sit in jail every day, most, because they can’t afford to pay their bail. Excessive bail can cost the incarcerated their livelihood, homes, and children plus costs America $15.26 billion a year. The money bail system serves only bail bondsman. D.C. has proven that a system that uses public safety and likelihood to return to court as a measurement for release work and that the cash bail system is NOT NECESSARY.

This change will:
1. Prevent individuals from remaining in jail due to lack of funds.
2. Stop wealthy/well-connected individuals from being able to get out of jail despite their danger to society and prevent.
3. Bring equity to a system that disfavors those who are not wealthy.



2023-03-14 14:37:22 -0400

10 signatures reached