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To: Assembly member Blanca E. Rubio, State Senator Susan Rubio and Congresswoman Grace Napolitano

Homeless Shelter at Bassett Park

Halt the complete take over of Bassett Park as a homeless shelter

Why is this important?

For many years, Bassett Park has served as a seasonal homeless shelter, contained within the gymnasium. To that end, our community has cohabitated with the homeless population on park grounds. The elderly, children and adults alike have enjoyed the activities at the park in conjunction with the operation of a homeless shelter.

We are NOT calling for a complete removal of the homeless shelter. We understand that given the current pandemic, these are unprecedented times and call for drastic measures. Nonetheless, we demand that all measures taken to transform Bassett Park from a center of recreation to a complete homeless shelter, consider the cost to the community.

We demand that our representatives ensure that ALL communities, despite their median incomes, take their fair share of the homeless population and work to provide services to this vulnerable community.

We will not allow the complete disintegration of our neighborhood, nor will we stand for the complete erasure of our presence from our community recreation center.


2020-03-18 22:48:13 -0400

We hit 100 signatures and counting!

At this point, we need all supporters to call each of the representatives with one clear message. Leave the message on their office phones tonight so when they check in tomorrow it's all messages from us!!

Congresswoman Grace Napolitano:
Phone: 626-350-0150

State Assembly member Blanca Rubio
(626) 960-4457

State Senator Susan Rubio
(626) 430-2499

Hi, this message is for (say name of representative). My name is (say your full name).
I am calling because I do not want my community to be erased from our recreation center at Bassett Park. We have cohabitated with the homeless population for this long and can continue to do the same. All neighborhoods need to help, including parks in neighborhoods with higher incomes. We will not let you take away our limited green space. Thank you.

2020-03-18 22:22:52 -0400

100 signatures reached

2020-03-18 21:53:18 -0400

50 signatures reached

2020-03-18 21:31:32 -0400

25 signatures reached

2020-03-18 21:24:37 -0400

10 signatures reached