To: Gov. Lamont
Everyone pays for Connecticut corruption & Lamont kleptocracy. Waste tax on crony's sex

This article stops privileged class anywhere from jeopardizing the public, and holds power everywhere to equal treatment under law. As a privileged aristocrat and government leaders' crony, Fabrice Baudoin (hereafter "the subject") at University of Connecticut (UConn) has been staying above the law (appendix A,B, C, D). Connecticut (CT) Great-Assembly-appointed watchdog agencies have courageously reviewed and/or reported the subject to CT Attorney General's Office , under public corruption statue.
(1) Name---- Without the rule of law, privileged class rules
o the subject: Fabrice Baudoin, a privileged aristocrat at UConn, professional incapability, cannot do exercises in elementary textbooks
o Female W: Jing Wang, Baudoin's travel companion
o Jeana Vatamanelu: Baudoin's wife, beneficiary of nepotism. zero publication
o Female C: Li Chen, Baudoin's travel companion,
The subject's travel companions can be illuminated by the citation "Each city has their own professional sex workers that keep clients entertained. That is the main goal behind any travel companion too."
(2) Fabrice Baudoin's crimes include, but not limited to,
o teacher-student sexual misconducts
Baudoin went sightseeing with Female W (France, Japan, China, etc.) , and sightseeing with/for Female C (Mexico, Germany, China, etc.) 15 more times, as in this list
o poison the minds of our next generation
Baudoin's plagiarism
o perpetuate slavery and servitude, and spawn injustice.
The unqualified hire of Baudoin's zero-publication wife V and below-par travel escort C as the kids' teacher is a serious encroachment of taxpayers' money and is an egregious breach of public trust.
Appendix B. The subject’s victims — — — Victims are woefully uninformed
⑴ Taxpayers and all public members: The subject is a cancer that eats society's organs, and is violating Your Constitutional Rights ! The abuse fund is Your tax money, via NSF and department of education. Through his multi-directional and systematic crimes, the subject distorts public policies, derails government accountability, demotivates other employees, and depletes public resource.
(2) Students: Baudoin's original degree is in mathematical finance. Baudoin seldom distributes solutions to students in his courses. Instead, he lures others to do exercises for him. The kids are not being afforded the quality education that they deserve and require.
(3) Employees: Public fund and private assets have been exclusively and illegitimately converted into the subject's pecuniary and sexual gains. This will destroy other employees' morale and lead to institutional decay.
(4) Scientists: Baudoin used fabricated projects to steal results from other employees. Many scientists at UConn and around the world have become Baudoin plagiarism’s victims.
(5) Other victims . Being atrocious and greedy, the subject fabricates various items to swindle/ bully innocent victims to suicide attempt. In the absence of hotline method, nobody knows the exact number of victims. The victims don't speak up because they feel shame, fear of getting in trouble, or avoid stigma/labels. The victims hold on to the pain in silence and might have been engulfed.
Appendix C. Timeline
Baudoin took 15 trips with a female (ex, current, future) student. Among them, in 4 trips, Baudoin didn’t bring his other students. In other 3 trips, there is no department members.
o On or about 1/9/2013---1/12/2013, San Diego, California, Baudoin---Wang
o On or about 5/29/2013—5/31/2013, Adagio hotel, Rennes, France, Baudoin---Wang
There is neither evidence that Baudoin brought his other students, nor evidence that other students & faculty from Baudoin’s dept. went to this place
o On or about 7/29/2013---8/2/2013, Boulder, Colorado, Baudoin---Wang
there is no evidence that Baudoin brought his other students
o On or about 9/29/2014 – 10/3/2014 , Paris, France, Baudoin---Wang
o On or about 1/29/2015, Illinois, Baudoin---Wang
There is neither evidence that Baudoin brought his other students, nor evidence that other students & faculty from Baudoin
This article stops privileged class anywhere from jeopardizing the public, and holds power everywhere to equal treatment under law. As a privileged aristocrat and government leaders' crony, Fabrice Baudoin (hereafter "the subject") at University of Connecticut (UConn) has been staying above the law (appendix A,B, C, D). Connecticut (CT) Great-Assembly-appointed watchdog agencies have courageously reviewed and/or reported the subject to CT Attorney General's Office , under public corruption statue.
(1) Name---- Without the rule of law, privileged class rules
o the subject: Fabrice Baudoin, a privileged aristocrat at UConn, professional incapability, cannot do exercises in elementary textbooks
o Female W: Jing Wang, Baudoin's travel companion
o Jeana Vatamanelu: Baudoin's wife, beneficiary of nepotism. zero publication
o Female C: Li Chen, Baudoin's travel companion,
The subject's travel companions can be illuminated by the citation "Each city has their own professional sex workers that keep clients entertained. That is the main goal behind any travel companion too."
(2) Fabrice Baudoin's crimes include, but not limited to,
o teacher-student sexual misconducts
Baudoin went sightseeing with Female W (France, Japan, China, etc.) , and sightseeing with/for Female C (Mexico, Germany, China, etc.) 15 more times, as in this list
o poison the minds of our next generation
Baudoin's plagiarism
o perpetuate slavery and servitude, and spawn injustice.
The unqualified hire of Baudoin's zero-publication wife V and below-par travel escort C as the kids' teacher is a serious encroachment of taxpayers' money and is an egregious breach of public trust.
Appendix B. The subject’s victims — — — Victims are woefully uninformed
⑴ Taxpayers and all public members: The subject is a cancer that eats society's organs, and is violating Your Constitutional Rights ! The abuse fund is Your tax money, via NSF and department of education. Through his multi-directional and systematic crimes, the subject distorts public policies, derails government accountability, demotivates other employees, and depletes public resource.
(2) Students: Baudoin's original degree is in mathematical finance. Baudoin seldom distributes solutions to students in his courses. Instead, he lures others to do exercises for him. The kids are not being afforded the quality education that they deserve and require.
(3) Employees: Public fund and private assets have been exclusively and illegitimately converted into the subject's pecuniary and sexual gains. This will destroy other employees' morale and lead to institutional decay.
(4) Scientists: Baudoin used fabricated projects to steal results from other employees. Many scientists at UConn and around the world have become Baudoin plagiarism’s victims.
(5) Other victims . Being atrocious and greedy, the subject fabricates various items to swindle/ bully innocent victims to suicide attempt. In the absence of hotline method, nobody knows the exact number of victims. The victims don't speak up because they feel shame, fear of getting in trouble, or avoid stigma/labels. The victims hold on to the pain in silence and might have been engulfed.
Appendix C. Timeline
Baudoin took 15 trips with a female (ex, current, future) student. Among them, in 4 trips, Baudoin didn’t bring his other students. In other 3 trips, there is no department members.
o On or about 1/9/2013---1/12/2013, San Diego, California, Baudoin---Wang
o On or about 5/29/2013—5/31/2013, Adagio hotel, Rennes, France, Baudoin---Wang
There is neither evidence that Baudoin brought his other students, nor evidence that other students & faculty from Baudoin’s dept. went to this place
o On or about 7/29/2013---8/2/2013, Boulder, Colorado, Baudoin---Wang
there is no evidence that Baudoin brought his other students
o On or about 9/29/2014 – 10/3/2014 , Paris, France, Baudoin---Wang
o On or about 1/29/2015, Illinois, Baudoin---Wang
There is neither evidence that Baudoin brought his other students, nor evidence that other students & faculty from Baudoin
Why is this important?
Appendix D. the privileged class’ crimes and impunity are patterns, repeating over and over again
(1) Impunity for the privileged class is a well-known tool of buying support and benefit, at the expense of the public. When impunity for the privileged class becomes a norm, Connecticut corruption (the subject) breaks down everything
Employees have been categorized into the privileged aristocrats (e.g. the subject) and ordinary employees. the privileged aristocrats (e.g. the subject) are insulated from the consequences of violating law.
o case 1: From Yankee’s investigation and other outlets, the attorneys (Christine Cieplinski ) who fight the corrupt privileged class are purged, while the individuals who whitewash the privileged class are elevated.
o case 2: History repeats itself. Because the subject belongs to privileged class, the racketeering reappears. The subject's co-conspirators deceived the Great-Assembly-appointed watchdog agencies. The co-conspirators support the subject by fabricating various documents, ranging from the subject girlfriend's status, to public record log.
o case 3: cover-up and whitewash have become headlines of Connecticut newspaper, TV and etc. A typical victim can be found at google search result of “UConn sexual”.
All above cases are manipulated by similar co-conspirators.
(2) UConn privileged class’ victims are exponentially increasing
UConn privileged class’ crimes can make witnesses (or victims) feel humiliated and overwhelmed with shame. Most witnesses (or victims) would rather suffer in silence than bear the embarrassment of reporting crimes to UConn rulers. Only a tiny fraction of witnesses (or victims) , for the purpose of preventing the privileged class ( predators) from ruining more public members, divulge their experiences to the rulers. These witnesses (or victims) usually view the rulers as the most trustworthy and respectable persons in the world.
However, as long as the witnesses (or victims) are weak, the privileged class’ crimes are glossed over. According to a newspaper, Daily Campus,“only 3.75% was investigated. All were found not guilty”.
The impunity for the privileged class is an assault on and a threat to everyone’s Constitutional Right. The only beneficiaries of impunity are the subject’s co-conspirators. The rest of the population pays the price. Due to this impunity from the law, the privileged class (the subject) feels free to carry out more crimes and to generate more suicidal victims, without the fear of punishment. This lack of accountability encourages the repetition of crimes.
(1) Impunity for the privileged class is a well-known tool of buying support and benefit, at the expense of the public. When impunity for the privileged class becomes a norm, Connecticut corruption (the subject) breaks down everything
Employees have been categorized into the privileged aristocrats (e.g. the subject) and ordinary employees. the privileged aristocrats (e.g. the subject) are insulated from the consequences of violating law.
o case 1: From Yankee’s investigation and other outlets, the attorneys (Christine Cieplinski ) who fight the corrupt privileged class are purged, while the individuals who whitewash the privileged class are elevated.
o case 2: History repeats itself. Because the subject belongs to privileged class, the racketeering reappears. The subject's co-conspirators deceived the Great-Assembly-appointed watchdog agencies. The co-conspirators support the subject by fabricating various documents, ranging from the subject girlfriend's status, to public record log.
o case 3: cover-up and whitewash have become headlines of Connecticut newspaper, TV and etc. A typical victim can be found at google search result of “UConn sexual”.
All above cases are manipulated by similar co-conspirators.
(2) UConn privileged class’ victims are exponentially increasing
UConn privileged class’ crimes can make witnesses (or victims) feel humiliated and overwhelmed with shame. Most witnesses (or victims) would rather suffer in silence than bear the embarrassment of reporting crimes to UConn rulers. Only a tiny fraction of witnesses (or victims) , for the purpose of preventing the privileged class ( predators) from ruining more public members, divulge their experiences to the rulers. These witnesses (or victims) usually view the rulers as the most trustworthy and respectable persons in the world.
However, as long as the witnesses (or victims) are weak, the privileged class’ crimes are glossed over. According to a newspaper, Daily Campus,“only 3.75% was investigated. All were found not guilty”.
The impunity for the privileged class is an assault on and a threat to everyone’s Constitutional Right. The only beneficiaries of impunity are the subject’s co-conspirators. The rest of the population pays the price. Due to this impunity from the law, the privileged class (the subject) feels free to carry out more crimes and to generate more suicidal victims, without the fear of punishment. This lack of accountability encourages the repetition of crimes.