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To: Pennsylvania Democratic State Committee Members

Let Voters Decide

This campaign has ended.

Members of Pennsylvania Democratic State Committee:

We, the undersigned constituents and voters, call on the Pennsylvania Democratic Party, to abstain from making an endorsement for all contested races in the 2022 primary. This is not an ask for any state committee member to abstain from the vote. It is asking each member of state committee to vote for "no endorsement" of any candidate and that there be a "no endorsement" option on the ballot.

We have many great candidates, and it is up to voters, not state committee members, who will earn our vote.

We believe in our Democratic process and do not think a state party endorsement, without metrics or clear indication as to why one candidate is selected over another, is in keeping with our Democratic values.

Why is this important?

Members of the Pennsylvania Democratic State Committee are elected by county and represent the Democratic voters in that county. They are not there to push their own personal preference.

Just as we expect our other elected officials to listen to constituents, we expect our members of Pennsylvania Democratic State Committee to listen.

We have seen how the party being perceived to push their preferred candidates has alienated voters and cost us not only state elections, but also national elections.

It is time for the will of the people to be heard. Allow our Democratic process to operate in a fair and unbiased primary.



2022-01-24 12:21:29 -0500

100 signatures reached

2022-01-23 17:12:30 -0500

50 signatures reached

2022-01-23 14:43:50 -0500

25 signatures reached

2022-01-23 13:43:00 -0500

Please consider leaving a comment with the county you live in!

2022-01-23 13:41:19 -0500

10 signatures reached