1,000 signatures reached
To: PWC BOCS Chair Ann Wheeler [email protected]
Petition against the PWC Gateway rezoning, 4-lane highway, and increasing the DC Overlay Zone

Petition against the Prince William County Virginia (PWC) Digital Gateway Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA) rezoning from Agricultural to Tech/Flex, building a 4-lane highway, and increasing the Data Center Overlay District.
To the Prince William Board of County Supervisors:
We are supporting Prince William County residents who oppose the development of industrial data centers on land (Rural Crescent) that was set aside by the County 20 years ago to protect history, rural heritage, and drinking water.
The signers of this petition are asking the Prince William County Board of County Supervisors to vote NO on the PWC Digital Gateway Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA) rezoning, building a 4-lane highway, and increasing the Data Center Overlay District.
To the Prince William Board of County Supervisors:
We are supporting Prince William County residents who oppose the development of industrial data centers on land (Rural Crescent) that was set aside by the County 20 years ago to protect history, rural heritage, and drinking water.
The signers of this petition are asking the Prince William County Board of County Supervisors to vote NO on the PWC Digital Gateway Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA) rezoning, building a 4-lane highway, and increasing the Data Center Overlay District.
Why is this important?
The proposal for the PWC Digital Gateway offers a false choice between building data centers to boost our commercial tax base OR protecting our national parks, Rural Crescent, and drinking water supply. We can do both! Land is available in the Data Center Overlay District, which means we can build more data centers in the right spot AND protect our environmental assets.
We are seeking to keep the area currently zoned Agricultural, not to build the Bi-County Parkway (or similar name) and to keep the Data Center Overlay Zone as the current size until that area is built out and fully occupied.
Prior to accepting the PWC Gateway Comprehensive Plan Amendment citizens would like to see an Environmental Impact, Water and Power Grid Study.
If the Amendment is accepted, the current open space concept will be changed to include 70 foot building heights with noisy industrial strength HVAC Chillers on the roof, additional transmission lines, new substations, thousands of acres of trees decimated and watershed damage to the Occoquan Reservoir and Chesapeake Bay. Paving over the Rural Crescent for data centers and adding a 4 or 6 lane highway will accelerate climate change. In fact, we will create even more sprawl and more climate change acceleration as people move to areas further out than Prince William, to escape data center alley.
The undersigned are asking the Prince William County Board of County Supervisors to vote NO on the PWC Digital Gateway Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA) rezoning.
If you would like additional information regarding support against the above amendments see:
GROUPS opposing the zoning change, building the parkway, and extending the data center overlay zone
The Prince William Conservation Alliance PWConserve.org
The Coalition to Protect Prince William County ProtectPWC.org
The Piedmont Environmental Council
The American Battlefield Trust
The National Parks Conservation Association NPCA.org
Manassas National Battlefield Superintendent
Virginia Native Plant Society
Coalition to Protect Historic Thoroughfare
State of Virginia Forestry Department
Water Management
PWC Historical Commission
Piedmont Environmental Council
Great Falls Sierra Club
Coalition for Smarter Growth
American Battlefield Trust
Manassas Battlefield Trust ManassasBattlefield.org
Virginia Piedmont Heritage Area
Va. Delegate Danica Roem
Va. Delegate Dan Helmer
We are seeking to keep the area currently zoned Agricultural, not to build the Bi-County Parkway (or similar name) and to keep the Data Center Overlay Zone as the current size until that area is built out and fully occupied.
Prior to accepting the PWC Gateway Comprehensive Plan Amendment citizens would like to see an Environmental Impact, Water and Power Grid Study.
If the Amendment is accepted, the current open space concept will be changed to include 70 foot building heights with noisy industrial strength HVAC Chillers on the roof, additional transmission lines, new substations, thousands of acres of trees decimated and watershed damage to the Occoquan Reservoir and Chesapeake Bay. Paving over the Rural Crescent for data centers and adding a 4 or 6 lane highway will accelerate climate change. In fact, we will create even more sprawl and more climate change acceleration as people move to areas further out than Prince William, to escape data center alley.
The undersigned are asking the Prince William County Board of County Supervisors to vote NO on the PWC Digital Gateway Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA) rezoning.
If you would like additional information regarding support against the above amendments see:
GROUPS opposing the zoning change, building the parkway, and extending the data center overlay zone
The Prince William Conservation Alliance PWConserve.org
The Coalition to Protect Prince William County ProtectPWC.org
The Piedmont Environmental Council
The American Battlefield Trust
The National Parks Conservation Association NPCA.org
Manassas National Battlefield Superintendent
Virginia Native Plant Society
Coalition to Protect Historic Thoroughfare
State of Virginia Forestry Department
Water Management
PWC Historical Commission
Piedmont Environmental Council
Great Falls Sierra Club
Coalition for Smarter Growth
American Battlefield Trust
Manassas Battlefield Trust ManassasBattlefield.org
Virginia Piedmont Heritage Area
Va. Delegate Danica Roem
Va. Delegate Dan Helmer