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To: St Johns County School District and the Director of Transportation Mr. Alfred A. Pantano

Reinstate Bus Service for St Johns Forest Community to Liberty Pines Academy (LPA)

Due to the "two-mile rule" in Florida, half of the residents of St Johns Forest Community in St Johns, Florida, have lost bus service to Liberty Pines Academy (LPA) located on Russell Sampson Road in St Johns County, Florida. Students walking to school from St Johns Forest Community must exit through the "back gate" of the neighborhood at North Arabella Road and St Johns Parkway, walk along St Johns Parkway and Florida State Road 9B, before crossing to Russell Sampson Road. St Johns Parkway and Florida State Road 9B are extremely dangerous with little to no protection for students walking to school.

LPA educates students from kindergarten through 8th grade. This walking path is unsafe for both elementary and middle school age students. Residents have advocated to have buses reinstated since buses were revoked in 2018 with many news articles published since then on the matter.

Please sign this petition to bring buses back to the residents of St Johns Forest Community. 

Why is this important?

Please sign this petition to bring buses back to the residents of St Johns Forest Community. Officials need to understand that this school walk is too dangerous for children to traverse and families need support for children to and from school. Transportation must be provided before a child is critically injured.


2024-09-17 14:08:19 -0400

Robin Hein, program specialist, school transportation management section, Florida Department of Education, email from 2023: "Dear Ms. Reach, Your email has been received by the Florida Department of Education (department) concerning the walking path from Saint John’s Forrest to Liberty Pines Academy. Thank you for sharing your concerns with us... Saint John’s Forrest has gained ground with the county commissioners, FDOT, representative Ms. Cyndi Stevenson and many other community leaders to budget a safer walking path for the students attending Liberty Pines Academy. It has made it through the necessary stages to obtain funding and develop a future plan. Unfortunately, these things take time before we get to see the end result. Please continue to work with your school district, county commissioners and state representative Ms. Stevenson."
Link to email response:
Link to webpage:

2024-09-17 14:04:10 -0400

Christian Whitehurst email from 2023: "...Within the first 100 days I was in office, I was publicly recommending that the school district add another bus route into St. Johns Forest. When I realized that they would not, I began working with our staff in the county and our legislative delegation to find a solution that would make it safer. Although not ideal, we were able to get almost $1 million from the state to move the sidewalk further away from what I believe is a dangerous stretch of 2209. That project is moving forward and I’m told will be complete by the beginning of the next school year. I want to reiterate that moving the sidewalk was not my first choice, but rather the only thing that I have the authority to do as a County Commissioner..."
Link to email:
St Johns County Commission Christian Whitehurst, District 1, webpage:

2024-09-17 13:59:22 -0400

St Johns County Commissioner Henry Dean email from 2023: "Kimberly, I agree. I intend to propose closing this unsafe sidewalk at our next BCC meeting on February 21st. Hopefully the School Board will resume bus service for the students. Best, Henry"
Link to email:
Link to Henry Dean, District 5, webpage:

2024-09-17 13:47:20 -0400

Gina Fallica, executive assistant to the superintendent in 2022: "Ms. Reach: Thank you for your email. I am forwarding your concerns to our transportation department, as they can better respond to your question regarding a bus stop in St. Johns Forest. Wishing all your children a great school year!"
Link to email response:
Link to St Johns County Superintendent webpage:

2024-09-17 11:51:12 -0400

Christian Whitehurst email from 2022: "Mrs. Reach, I have read your email and understand your concerns. I joined several parents 2 years ago and walked the path that their children normally have to bike to school. I found it to be too long and too close to the road. I was vocal in a joint meeting with the school board that they should send a bus to pick up those students. However, the school board insisted that the 2 mile radius was a state law and would not take action. I then reached out to our state representatives to get funding to move the sidewalk away from the road, so that it would be safer, which was my only option. We were successful in acquiring the funding and the project is moving forward..."
Link to email:
St Johns County Commission Christian Whitehurst, District 1, webpage:

2024-09-17 10:58:21 -0400

Walkiria Castillo Gilbert, district aide to Representative Felicia Robinson, response to the issue: "Good afternoon, I have forwarded your concern to your respective State Representatives office. [email protected]. All the best"
Link to email:
Link to Representative Felicia Robinson, District 104, webpage:

2024-09-17 10:55:25 -0400

Serena Barreau, district aide to Representative Jenna Persons-Mulicka, response to the issue: "Good morning Kimberly, I hope your morning is off to a nice start. Thank you for taking the time to reach out to our office. I will be sure to share this information with the Representative. If there is anything further that we can help you with, please feel free to call or email. I have also contacted your local district office, so they may also be aware of the safety issue for your children. Thank you kindly"
Link to email:
Link to Representative Jenna Persons-Mulicka, District 78, webpage:

2024-09-10 17:59:43 -0400

Keith Matthews response to the issue: "Hello Kimberly.. I had no idea this was occurring, and I was unaware of the stated 2 mile rule. Thank you very much for shining a light on this. I, for one, will be signing your petition and encouraging those around me to do the same. This is just another example of how our current state legislature underfunds our public education system, which I will fight to change once elected. It appears you have taken many steps to bring attention to this issue, and the fact that you and your neighbors‘ children are having to walk this route is chilling to me. Have you reached out to the local school board and county officials? It seems to me you have. I would love to take on this fight with you in any way I can. If you have still gotten nowhere, let’s sit down and come up with a next step plan.."
Link to email response:
Campaigning for District 18

2024-09-10 15:57:51 -0400

TikTok link to September 10 First Coast News article:

2024-09-09 13:59:06 -0400

TikTok link on two recent accidents:
One accident was on September 8 in the evening against the guard rail where children walk to school. The second accident happened during the morning school walk on September 9. Reporters at Action News Jax and First Coast News have been notified.

2024-09-09 13:55:47 -0400

Kori Francis, district aide to Rep Mike Beltran, response to the issue: "Greetings…I’m sorry that the current Florida Statute is creating a hardship for your family. Our office has looked at filing a bill to deal with this issue in the past; however, Representative Beltran will not be running for re-election this year and will not be able to file new legislation. I see that your current Representative is Rep. Stevenson, but she will be terming out this year. I suggest reaching out to the next elected official in your district after the election in November to see if they will be willing to sponsor a bill to make this change. Please feel free to contact us if there is anything our office can do for you in the future."
Link to email:
Link to Rep Mike Beltran, District 70, webpage:

2024-09-09 13:49:37 -0400

Amber Yarusso, legislative aide to Representative Jason Shoaf, response to the issue: "Dear Kimberly, Thank you for reaching out and bringing this important issue to our attention. We understand your concerns about the safety of your children's walk to school, especially considering the proximity to busy roads. Attached below, you will find the contact information for your state Representative, Cyndi Stevenson, who can assist with this matter at the state level. Our office would be happy to reach out to her directly on your behalf to explore solutions and offer our support. Please don’t hesitate to let us know if we can assist further, and we will do everything we can to help move this forward."
Link to email:
Link to Representative Jason Shoaf, District 7, webpage:

2024-09-09 13:45:52 -0400

Representative Rita Harris response to the issue: "Kimberly, Good afternoon. Thank you for reaching out about your daughter's path to school, though I am very sorry to hear about this. As a mother, I share your sentiment and cannot imagine asking my child to walk 45 minutes on a dangerous road just to get to school. You have my commitment to exploring this policy on a state level to ensure the safety of our children. In the meantime, I encourage you to reach out to your local St. Johns Elected Officials who will be best equipped in exploring how to address this right now. Hopefully, they will be able to work out a bus plan or give you additional options... Thank you again for reaching out. If my office can be of additional assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out."
Link to email:
Link to Representative Rita Harris, District 44, webpage:

2024-09-09 13:41:30 -0400

Stephanie Conrad, aide to Representative Danny Alvarez, response to the issue: "Hello Kimberly – I wanted to take a moment to let you know that your email has been received and our office appreciates you sharing your thoughts, opinions and ideas with us. We also appreciate our constituents bringing concern to our attention, like you have done. Every voice has the right to be heard and we are grateful that you are choosing to be an active part of the political process! We encourage you to reach out to your local officials, to seek changes in your community. Your local Representative is Cyndi Stevenson... Thank you again and have a great day!"
Link to email response:
Link to Representative Danny Alvarez, District 69, webpage:

2024-09-06 09:55:26 -0400

A fact sheet from the Federal Transit Administration: "This fact sheet was jointly developed by the U.S. Department of Education (ED) and the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) to bolster daily school attendance through transportation. The fact sheet, published on September 3, 2024, includes promising strategies to reduce chronic absenteeism by increasing students’ access to safe, accessible, reliable transportation to and from school."