100 signatures reached
Release Immigrants in ICE Facilities AMID COVID-19

Hear the voices of the Family and release detainees to be with their families during this pandemic of the COVID-19
Why is this important?
My husband is currently detained at the Yuba County Jail Processing Center. I have not had constant communication with my husband as as this Covid-19 pandemic has increased, we both find myself more concerned and panicked to say the least. I know that living in the borderland they are more susceptible due to the massive amount of immigrants trying to cross looking for a better life. I feel like it is only a matter of time and pretty much inevitable that this virus will outbreak in the center, I mean the conditions are already poor even in their best circumstances. I know that ICE has the discretion to release these people from custody and I feel like there is no better time than now. These people need to be with their families, especially in these dire times. I am asking for your help to be heard for these people in custody. I am asking for a louder voice, I would like to reach the Warden of the Detention Center as well as the Ice field office directors attention to push them to release the detainees.
The Country has been declared to be in State of Emergency, Gov. Gavin Newsom on 3/19/20 sent executive orders to prohibited crowds of 10 or more, The housing more than 60-70 people per barrack, making the center contradict orders given by Newsom. The facility has made NO changes in the way they handle possible contact contamination, no hand sanitizer, no antibacterial wipes, no deep cleaning! We are in a crisis and I am begging for the life of my husband and on behalf of the lives of all those other detainees, please help me us be heard. Our country needs to unite and what better way then to have these immigrants unite with their families!
Public health agencies around the world are sounding the alarm about COVID-19’s impact as the number of cases in the country rises. Those detained in close quarters are particularly susceptible to contracting and rapidly spreading this highly contagious virus.[1] We know from experience that medical care at ICE facilities in California are inadequate, and that proper measures have not been taken to ensure the safety of detained people, facility staff, and other visitors to the Yuba County Jail Processing Center during this outbreak. Medical professionals recommend strict social distancing as a crucial measure for avoiding transmission, but this is impossible to implement in a detention facility.
The Country has been declared to be in State of Emergency, Gov. Gavin Newsom on 3/19/20 sent executive orders to prohibited crowds of 10 or more, The housing more than 60-70 people per barrack, making the center contradict orders given by Newsom. The facility has made NO changes in the way they handle possible contact contamination, no hand sanitizer, no antibacterial wipes, no deep cleaning! We are in a crisis and I am begging for the life of my husband and on behalf of the lives of all those other detainees, please help me us be heard. Our country needs to unite and what better way then to have these immigrants unite with their families!
Public health agencies around the world are sounding the alarm about COVID-19’s impact as the number of cases in the country rises. Those detained in close quarters are particularly susceptible to contracting and rapidly spreading this highly contagious virus.[1] We know from experience that medical care at ICE facilities in California are inadequate, and that proper measures have not been taken to ensure the safety of detained people, facility staff, and other visitors to the Yuba County Jail Processing Center during this outbreak. Medical professionals recommend strict social distancing as a crucial measure for avoiding transmission, but this is impossible to implement in a detention facility.