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To: the New York Bar Association

Sign to DISBAR "Judge" Juan Merchan!

To the prestigious, esteemed New York Bar Association:
Please find our signatures confirming our individual and collective recognition of the fact that currently sitting judge Juan Merchan is unfit for the bench, and further has proven himself unfit to practice law in any capacity at all and must therefore be disbarred. 
Herein we cite reasons for his disbarment from the single, ongoing case of "the State of NY vs. Donald J. Trump".
1. Juan Merchan's DAUGHTER, a first-degree relative- continues to earn millions of dollars as the direct result of this case. Her clients are ALL Democrat, including Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. HE REFUSES TO RECUSE HIMSELF. 
2. Juan Merchan is PROFOUNDLY BIASED and seeks only to wield his current judicial power as a weapon against his political adversary, the presumptive Republican nominee for POTUS, Donald J. Trump. 
3. Juan Merchan is verbally abusive to Defense.
4. Juan Merchan automatically sustains ALL of the Prosecution's objections without even hearing the basis, but denies almost 100 percent of objections raised by the Defense.
Juan Merchan is NOT unbiased. He is clearly VERY emotionally vested in this case and profoundly unfit to serve! REMOVE HIM FROM THE BENCH AND STRIP HIM OF HIS LAW LICENSE EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY in the interests of Justice and preserving the Constitutional rights of ALL Americans equally, without prejudice. 

Why is this important?

The more signatures we can get, the more likely we are to be taken seriously. It's free to sign and share, thank you! 


2024-12-08 20:48:14 -0500

100 signatures reached

2024-06-01 07:09:08 -0400

50 signatures reached

2024-05-29 17:00:52 -0400

25 signatures reached

2024-05-27 14:52:49 -0400

10 signatures reached