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To: Starburns Industries

Starburns Owes Paula Poundstone Money!

Dear Starburns Industries,

You are the parent company of Starburns Audio, which recently closed its doors. An email to their podcast creator partners said, “The corporation is cognizant of any outstanding monies owed to our podcasters and are working diligently to this end.”

Unfortunately, that promise was not kept. As an example, consider Paula Poundstone, comedian and co-host of the Nobody Listens to Paula Poundstone podcast. Starburns Audio paid her a tiny fraction of the money they owed her, leaving $30,000 outstanding and leaving Paula holding the bag.

This is especially egregious considering the fact that Starburns Industries would seem to be flush with cash. You have contributed animation to “Rick and Morty,” one of the most popular animated shows on television, and have been involved in the animation production of a variety of other television programs and projects, including "Moral Orel," "Mary Shelley's Frankenhole," and the Academy Award-nominated stop-motion film, "Anomalisa."

We, the undersigned, respectfully request that you do the right thing and use some of that “Rick and Morty” money to make Paula Poundstone (and the other podcasters owed) whole again.

It’s the right thing to do.

Why is this important?

Large, wealthy companies should not use bankruptcy to shield them from doing right by the content creators who provided audiences for their advertiser partners for years.




2023-12-16 20:33:38 -0500

1,000 signatures reached

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10 signatures reached