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To: Contract decisionmakers at the Health Resources and Services Administration and Lawmakers on the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions

Stop For-Profit Takeover of Organ Donation: Make Congress Protect Lives!

We're rallying Congress and the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) to defend the life-saving U.S. organ donation and transplant system, ensuring it remains free from profit-driven control.

On July 27, Congress passed H.R.2544 / S.1668, a bill that allows for-profit companies to take over the organ donation and transplant system without having any experience in this work and without any limit to the amount of funding they could be paid by the government.

We refuse to let that become a reality! Preserving the nonprofit status of the system is essential for placing patients and donors at the forefront, rather than monetary gains. Organ donation has been a source of hope, saving countless lives. We firmly oppose any changes that put profits over human lives.

This fall, HRSA will begin accepting bids from both non-profits and for-profits to run various components of the transplant system. We urge the agency to keep altruism at the core of the system and choose nonprofits to manage this vital work – most importantly the policymaking, which governs how patients are prioritized on organ waitlists.

At the same time, we urge Congress to revise H.R.2544 / S.1668 to disallow for-profit companies from taking over the system. The Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) has the power to do that. Otherwise, even if HRSA picks non-profits this year, there would be nothing in U.S. law preventing for-profits from taking over later.

Join our united front and demand that our government acts responsibly. Sign the petition today to safeguard patients, honor the sanctity of organ donation, and ensure universal accessibility.

Why is this important?

The magnitude of this legislation passing cannot be underestimated. It marks a shift in focus from serving those in dire need to favoring those who can afford to pay the most. This blatant disregard for the core principle of organ donation, which is to save lives based on medical urgency, not financial capabilities, is a betrayal of the trust bestowed upon organ donors. We cannot let profit-driven motives erode the fairness and ethical foundations of organ transplantation. We must raise our voices and protect a system that unequivocally values life over financial gain.

By removing a legal requirement that has been in place for nearly forty years, which mandates only nonprofits with experience in this field can bid on contracts to manage the system, the door is opened for profit-seeking entities to exploit the vulnerable and turn the selfless and altruistic gifts of donor heroes into transactional commodities.

We refuse to compromise the profound impact of organ donation by placing financial gain above human well-being.

This petition invites all who have been touched by the miraculous act of organ donation – including transplant patients and waiting candidates, organ donor family members, caregivers, and concerned citizens – to have our voices heard and demand the federal government acts responsibly. Our petition does not represent any particular organizations, associations or other groups within or outside of the organ donation and transplant system, nor are we doing this in the interest of any such groups. We are patients and donor families, parents and friends, and everyday men and women who in one way or another have been touched by the noble gift of organ donation and the lifesaving surgeries it enables. We also do not oppose any true efforts to improve the organ donation and transplant system. However, we oppose seeing those efforts subverted to the benefit of for-profit companies, which would jeopardize human lives.

Let us stand united in protecting the lives of patients, honoring the generous gift of organ donation, and safeguarding the nonprofit status of our organ donation and transplant system.
Sign this petition today and add your voice to the rising chorus of those who believe that compassion, not profit, must guide the U.S. organ transplant system. Together, we can ensure that organ donation remains unyielding, accessible, and dedicated only to the welfare of those in need.


2024-05-09 10:38:49 -0400

Transplant surgeons called out a ruling from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) that will close most nonprofits that recover and transport organs nationwide. It will worsen the U.S. organ shortage and endanger patients. See here for the surgeons’ letters:
See this map for affected areas:

The New York Times is investigating hospitals in TX and PA that halted transplant programs. Reporters want people to share their donation/transplant stories via forms at the bottom of the articles. Please do that to highlight our petition. If you are not a NYT subscriber, contact me.
TX story:
PA story:
My submission (example):

Next Steps:
Keep sharing our petition
Contact lawmakers. Details:
Share your story with NYT
For detailed updates:

2024-02-15 12:03:21 -0500

Thank you all for supporting this movement. Latest news:

The Hill published an article by 2 advocates about the dangers of a for-profit organ transplant system. Read here and please share:

HRSA released 2 draft contract solicitations (1st for OPTN board support and 2nd for overall operations). Details here:

The agency has meetings this month for bidders. We have to join these meetings and voice our concerns.

Sign up here:
Feb 20, 1-3pm EST:
Feb 21, 1-3pm EST:

What to say:
“How will HRSA protect donors and patients and make sure that we don’t end up seeing a for-profit takeover of organ donation and transplantation in the U.S.?”
“Will HRSA publicly disclose which organizations bid on these contracts and specify which are nonprofits or for-profits?”

HRSA has 2 webforms where we can post comments (due Feb 28, 12 AM EST):
1st contract form:
2nd contract form:

2023-12-21 08:48:12 -0500

With the year coming to a close, I wanted to thank you all for fighting for what’s right.

Our petition is growing every day, and we are starting to see victories: 1 of the 5 contracts to manage the transplant system is now being restricted to just non-profit bidders. See slide 14 of this presentation by HRSA, the gov agency that’ll issue the contracts:

This is great news, but pro-profit senators are already trying to undo it. See this letter by Dr. Clive Callender, a transplant surgeon who helped build the organ donation system in the first place, that calls this out and re-explains the dangers brought on by the for-profit bill:

2024 is going to be a busy year for our movement. Please keep sharing the petition and contacting your congresspeople to take a stand against for-profit takeover of the organ donation and transplant system.

Happy holidays to all of you, your families and your communities.

2023-11-29 13:24:05 -0500

News stories are coming out revealing what we already knew: Companies with long histories of protecting their bottom lines over all else are now postured to take over the organ donation system – corporate titans like Google, Microsoft and Oracle.

Check out this article featuring some of the who’s-who of possible organ donation contractors:

30,000+ of you already expressed your concern, but now we have a chance to elevate our message like never before.

Here’s what you can do:
1. Share the article with your family, friends, coworkers and neighbors.
2. Post on social media about the article using the hashtag #LifeBeforeProfit – or consider sharing my posts on:
• Facebook:
• Twitter/X:
• Instagram:
3. Call or email your representatives demanding they act to prevent this looming disaster. You can find your congresspeople here:

2023-10-30 17:21:08 -0400

Thank you all so much for getting our petition past 30,000 signatures!

Check out this news about an amazing program to grow the number of Black organ donors and Black transplant experts: .

This is led by 4 organ procurement organizations: government-contracted nonprofits that recover and transport donated organs. They’re the most important part of this system, second only to the surgeons themselves… of which only 5.5% are Black. They partnered with their local HBCU med schools to create this program to empower future Black transplant specialists.

This would never happen in a for-profit-led organ donation system. That’s why we have to keep it up.

I recently joined a feedback meeting hosted by HRSA and voiced our petition’s message. Turns out they’re hearing that from many others, so WE ARE MAKING AN IMPACT.

Please keep sharing the petition and sending feedback to HRSA:

Thank you all again for taking a stand.

2023-09-22 20:21:06 -0400

On September 22, President Biden signed H.R.2544, allowing for-profit companies to bid on government contracts to run the U.S. organ donation and transplant system.

While it is not surprising that the president did this after Congress passed the bill in July, it is still a disappointing development that ignores the massive outpouring of concern and criticism surrounding this controversial bill.

Most importantly, we are not done, and our plans have not changed. I encourage everyone to write to the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), which oversees the transplant system and will award contracts to run it. They have a webform where the public can comment on their plans for organ transplantation going forward.

It Just Takes 5 Minutes:
1. Go to HRSA’s feedback form:
2. Follow this template to submit feedback:
3. Encourage your friends and family to do the same.

2023-08-24 20:35:57 -0400

Now that we have 20,000 signatures, we must take our message directly to the government agency in charge of the transplant system.
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) created a webform where the public can comment on the plan to let for-profit companies bid on contracts to run the system. We can use this to share our petition’s message and ask HRSA to stand with us by:
- Committing to prevent a for-profit takeover of the organ transplant system.
- Publicly sharing the names and non-profit/for-profit statuses of companies bidding on system contracts.
- Specify in these contracts that only non-profits would be allowed to manage policymaking, governance and other core responsibilities of the system.
What You Can Do to Help in Just 5 Minutes:
- Go to HRSA’s feedback form:
- Follow this template to submit feedback:
- Encourage your friends and family to do the same.
Thank you all.

2023-08-19 20:04:20 -0400

20,000 signatures reached

2023-07-28 17:07:52 -0400

Late on July 27, the Senate passed H.R.2544 before taking a month-long recess, circumventing the need for its companion bill, S.1668, to go through regular Senate procedures.

Once the President signs this into law, for-profits can manage our nation’s only organ donation and transplant system – without any experience and without any limit to the amount they can be paid.

Make no mistake: Congress rushed to pass this bill because of our petition’s success. Axios reported on the for-profit bills and linked to my July 19 letter to Congress:

The bill sponsors are threatened by us speaking up for our nation’s transplant patients and organ donors. So we’re going to keep doing that.

This isn’t over until the government selects contractors to manage the system. That will be done by the Health Resources and Services Administration. We must hold them accountable.

Please keep sharing the petition and spreading the word. Too many lives are at stake for us to stop now.

2023-07-26 21:52:30 -0400

10,000 signatures reached

2023-07-26 07:35:43 -0400

Yesterday, July 25th, the House of Representatives passed H.R.2544 in complete disregard for us, their concerned constituents. But this is far from over.

H.R.2544 can’t become law unless its companion bill in the Senate, S.1668, is also passed. We must now focus our attention on the Senate and specifically to the Senate HELP committee, which is currently overseeing S.1668.

This was never going to be an easy fight, but we have to stick with it. We must stay the course for the 100,000+ people currently waiting for lifesaving organ transplants, the countless organ donors who make that possible, and all future generations who could one day need help from a non-profit organ donation system.

Please contact your senators and demand that they stand up against S.1668.

You can find your senators here:

2023-07-24 13:54:46 -0400

URGENT: Tomorrow, July 25th at 6:30 pm eastern time, the House of Representatives will vote on H.R.2544, one of the bills that would let for-profits take over the organ transplant system. I can only assume that some members of Congress are trying to rush passage of this bill before we can raise any more concern about it.

You can see tomorrow’s House bill schedule here:

Please contact your House Representatives ASAP and demand they vote NO on H.R.2544 tomorrow!

You can find your representatives here:

We can make a difference as long as we keep pushing.

I wrote an article about this issue that was published by the New Jersey Star-Ledger earlier today. You can read it here:

Please share the article along with the petition, call your members of Congress, and let’s keep fighting to protect organ transplant patients and organ donors!

2023-07-20 13:26:53 -0400

On July 19th, I submitted my letter to Congress for the record on a Senate Committee on Finance hearing that took place today, during which S.1668 was brought up.

In the hearing, our concerns that S.1668 would allow for-profit companies to take over the transplant system were dismissed as “rumors.” This is false.
Bill S.1668 stipulates that the following text from Section 372 of the Public Health Service Act, subsection (b) would be deleted:
“be a private nonprofit entity that has an expertise in organ procurement and transplantation…”

That is the only part of U.S. law that requires the system be non-profit. Deleting that would let for-profit companies receive government contracts to run the system and to do so without any prior experience in donation.

Please contact your members of Congress and demand that they read the bills before them.
The statement is here:
You can find your members of Congress here:

2023-07-19 12:46:56 -0400

Thank you to everyone who helped surpass 6,000 signatures!

It’s time we take our message to Congress. On July 19th, I sent a letter on our behalf to the Congressional committees that have the power to protect transplant patients and organ donors by keeping the organ donation and transplant system non-profit. Please visit the link below to read the letter and share it with your senators and representatives.
Call or email their offices, tell them about this petition, explain the dangers of a for-profit system, and urge them to take a stand for patients and donors.

You can read the letter here:

You can find your members of Congress by going to:

2023-07-18 12:41:01 -0400

5,000 signatures reached