50 signatures reached
To: Senators & Congress
Stop giving mass shooters a platform
It’s a tragedy that mass shootings have become a “normal” act in every day life in America. We’re supposed to be the “greatest country in the world” but we have, on average, two mass shootings a day. Now, if that’s such a high number and the nation is so sad about hearing this news, then why do we give the person holding a gun a platform? Why do we give that human the right to have his name, photo, video coverage any airtime on television? Isn’t that exactly what they want?
I’m here to voice my opinion to take away mass shooters’s rights the second they decide to pull the trigger in a public place by never saying their name, showing their face, or video footage of them. They want the fame and glamour of people “remembering who they are and what they did.”
Take away their fame and ability for people to remember who they were. It’s disgusting. I hate turning the news on and seeing the mass shooter’s face all over the television. I would much rather only hear and see the people who that wicked person massacred. I would rather hear about the people’s families and the stories about the people who were devastatingly pulled from this world. I do not want to hear or see the people who causes unnecessary harm.
I’m here to voice my opinion to take away mass shooters’s rights the second they decide to pull the trigger in a public place by never saying their name, showing their face, or video footage of them. They want the fame and glamour of people “remembering who they are and what they did.”
Take away their fame and ability for people to remember who they were. It’s disgusting. I hate turning the news on and seeing the mass shooter’s face all over the television. I would much rather only hear and see the people who that wicked person massacred. I would rather hear about the people’s families and the stories about the people who were devastatingly pulled from this world. I do not want to hear or see the people who causes unnecessary harm.
Why is this important?
I live in a country where anyone over the age of 18 can purchase a gun from a licensed dealer. I also live in a country where there is no age requirement for a third party seller of said gun. And, I also live in a country where easy access to weapons in homes in normal.
Whenever my sons decide to have a sleepover or go to a friend’s house, I have to ask the parents if there are guns in the home. If they have guns, then I make sure to ask if they have them locked away and the keys are also hidden in a place where the children won’t find them. I don’t have to ask if there are guns in the house. I get looked at funny when I ask if they have guns in the house. I want to make sure my children aren’t in a home where there are easily accessible guns. Because, once a child knows there is a gun in the home, then they know there is a gun in the home.
This nation is riddled with mass shootings. If there is a way, any small feat, to get people away from the idea that the their names and faces would be blasted all over social media, and the news, then that’s a win for everyone.
Senators, Congress, and people with any sway in my opinion, please consider taking the names and faces away from the public eye so that people don’t have to see the awful face of the human who decided to ruin an entire community’s life with a terrible decision to give themselves fame and glory.
Whenever my sons decide to have a sleepover or go to a friend’s house, I have to ask the parents if there are guns in the home. If they have guns, then I make sure to ask if they have them locked away and the keys are also hidden in a place where the children won’t find them. I don’t have to ask if there are guns in the house. I get looked at funny when I ask if they have guns in the house. I want to make sure my children aren’t in a home where there are easily accessible guns. Because, once a child knows there is a gun in the home, then they know there is a gun in the home.
This nation is riddled with mass shootings. If there is a way, any small feat, to get people away from the idea that the their names and faces would be blasted all over social media, and the news, then that’s a win for everyone.
Senators, Congress, and people with any sway in my opinion, please consider taking the names and faces away from the public eye so that people don’t have to see the awful face of the human who decided to ruin an entire community’s life with a terrible decision to give themselves fame and glory.