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To: The City of Chula Vista

Support the Third Avenue Patios!

     The outdoor dining patios of Third Avenue need the support of the city to be renewed for another year. With the city manager and local councilman threatening to close the outdoor dining patios on Third Avenue, we risk losing not just dining spots but vibrant community spaces. These dining spaces should be renewed in order to protect the many benefits they bring to the community.
1-Economic Vitality: Outdoor dining decks contribute significantly to the economic vitality of California's restaurant industry. By preserving these spaces, we support local businesses and jobs, especially crucial during times of economic uncertainty. 

     2-Community Gathering Places: Outdoor dining decks serve as community gathering spaces, fostering social interaction and strengthening neighborhood bonds. They provide opportunities for people to connect, relax, and enjoy the outdoors in a vibrant and inclusive setting.

     3-Public Health Benefits: Open-air dining decks offer a safer dining environment, especially amidst concerns about indoor air circulation and the spread of airborne illnesses. By encouraging outdoor dining, we promote public health and reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission. 

     4-Cultural Diversity: California's diverse culinary scene thrives on creativity and innovation, often showcased through outdoor dining experiences. Preserving these spaces ensures continued exploration and celebration of diverse cuisines, enriching the cultural fabric of our communities.

     5-Environmental Sustainability: Outdoor dining decks promote environmental sustainability by utilizing outdoor spaces more efficiently and reducing the need for indoor air conditioning and lighting. By supporting outdoor dining, we contribute to a greener, more sustainable future for California. 

Why is this important?

 1-Economic Vitality-----> Keeping the economy strong

 2-Comminty Gathering Places-----> Places where people come together

 3-Public Health Benefits-----> Good for People's Health

 4-Cultural Diversity-----> Different cultures living together

 5-Environmental Sustainability-----> Taking care of the environment


2024-07-06 21:32:48 -0400

500 signatures reached

2024-05-25 01:45:42 -0400

100 signatures reached

2024-05-24 23:04:37 -0400

50 signatures reached

2024-05-24 22:35:48 -0400

25 signatures reached

2024-05-24 22:26:45 -0400

10 signatures reached